If you were the head of the education department, what would you do?

If I were the head of the education department of a school, I’d…

  • Create different programs for students according to abilities and interests, where all classes would be related to that area.
  • Improve the cafeteria food and have a variety of options.
  • Hire teachers that love teaching and that care about the kids

That’s all I can think of at the moment.
What else would you add?


I would get more school psychiatrists lol, increase funding to the teachers and their classroom expenses and get mental health days for teachers alongside sick days. Teachers need this stuff after the pandemic.

I’d mandate a designated nap time for all. Possibly right after lunch time. Roll-out little cots like we had back in my kindergarten. Lockers would be free, so students could bring their own blankets and pillows. Then, ensure that PE is 2 hours after lunch, so they all have their energy levels up. Light exercises for the anti-athletics. Possibly even a climbing wall. Fundraisers would involve chocolate chip cookies. One can dream, can’t they?

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Make math be the stuff that’s actually useful.

I’d put effort into making sure everybody had eaten enough that day

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