I'm leaving the forums - AMagic

Hey guys, it’s AMagic here. Recently I’ve been very inactive and I have decided to leave this forums. There is nothing wrong with it, it’s the best forum I’ve ever been on. There’s just a time in ones life where they need to move on. Believe me, being on Episode & Shanni’s forums shaped my life and helped me make decisions, now it’s time I do that myself. The quarantine showed me what matters in life and what I need to focus on and sadly this forum isn’t on the list. I do have some things I would like to say to some people.


We’ve had our ups and downs and moments where we would go days without talking to each other. You were my best friend on this forums and a person I could always talk to. As we were toxic before, I’m glad we shaped and repaired our friendship before I left. You’re sassy and a really cool person. I really hope your life goes amazing and you break toxic traditions. You honestly deserve the best life that you can get and I’m sorry for being a handful. Can’t wait for you to make some loyal friends that deserve you in real life.


I love your silly memes and gifs, they put me in a amazing mood everything I see them. Your one amazing girl and I definitely saw you as the good girl of our group. Stay amazing.

Unwanted Ghost

Ah, the big sister of our group. You always asked if we were alright, but I feel like we never spent enough time talking about you. I wish you huge success and true love, because God knows if anyone deserves that, it’s you.


I remember earlier in our group you were very active and a delight to be around as you were inappropriate you were an amazing friend to have in the group. I hope love doesn’t harm you and you level up in life. I always hope your mental health is doing all right during these times.


You would always pop up once in a while to tell us about the stories you were reading and it was cool to see what stories those were. You’re really funny and I live for your love of pasta. I hope your doing good in life after all Life is about pasta-bilites, see what I did there :eyes:


We didn’t talk much, but I can tell you’re a sweet person, and it was nice of you to make an effort to talk in our group.


You’re really beautiful, stunning really. I hope you and your crush have the finest life together. You deserve you two have to be a match made in the stars based on the way you talk about him, I hope love doesn’t hurt as much as they say it does, because you don’t deserve to be hurt. You’re the best, Dani. I will make sure to be here one last time to see what happens with you and him.


Last but not least, thank you Anna for making this amazing group that have been a amazing group of friends after 30-40 chats we made it far!!


I’m really thankful that you made this amazing forum after what Episode did to you, you stayed strong and made a safe zone for us members to become a amazing community. If it wasn’t for you there is no telling where I would be. I thank you so muuuuuucccchhhh. Love you :heart::heart::heart:


There is something I’ve been meaning to get off my chest for almost the past 2 years. I’m sorry for what I did on your review thread, you didn’t deserve it and it was extremely childish of me and there is no excuse for my actions, and I hope you consider forgive me. I have grown up and grew to be a little more wiser than I was.

Stay safe everyone!!! :heart::heart::heart::two_hearts: I don’t need anyone dying. I also want to thank everyone that came to this forums with me when I got banned from Episode!! :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Tags, sorry for who I missed



Aw man I’m gonna miss you but I understand. I wish you the best.


Thank you for understanding. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


If you have IG, you can message me there.


Feel free to follow me if you do.


I’m going to miss you AMagic but I’m glad you found yourself, you are an amazing personality that I appreciated and could relate to from episode forums to shanni’s. You stay safe and if you ever publish that story let me know! Stay safe sis, much love!



I’m sad to see you go! But, you need to do what’s best for you moving foward!


@whattchusayy, I will and I appreciate the compliment. Thank you for seeing where I’m coming from.

@Mouschi, Aww :sob: I’m glad you want me to move forward, I like the support


I don’t really know you, but I’m still sad to see you go :crying_cat_face::green_heart:
I hope you’ll have an eyemazing life and good luck with achieving your dreams :eyes::sparkles::green_heart:


Thank you Hanna, and I’ll really miss your iconic emojis :joy:


I’ll miss your eyemazing contributions to this place, you seem like a great person and I’m sad that we never got to talk more :crying_cat_face::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:


There’s A Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow Shining at the end of every day


:sob: :sob: :sob:
Despite being sad to see you go, I’m thrilled that you found yourself. I wish you happiness and that you find more people irl who love you for who you are and as much as you deserve.
I would wish you success but I know your drive. If someone is going to be successful, it’s you.


I hope everything smooths out for you in the end! I’m glad you figured out what is best for you. You can always come back if you truly feel like you want to! Good luck with your life!


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: STAY SAFE!!!


Although we didn’t interact that much, I really liked your posts and enjoyed reading them. Your quarantine lists were very helpful, and I like that you were empathetic with everyone who is struggling during quarantine.
I’ll miss you and I hope you do come back to visit us. :sunflower: :sparkles: :coffee:


Okay, :sob:

I have to go run and die. I might have to die fully inside now.

I’ll miss you, A.


Aww, damn. I’ll miss you!

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You’ll be alright :disappointed: I’ll pop up from time to time to see how you guys are doing. I’ll miss you too.


Life… it sucks. Well hopefully you stay safe and continue to strive and living.

Man that was pretty short. I think our best memories will be on episode tho, and I’ll always remember you. I don’t forgot my friends :pleading_face:


Ah, I’m gonna miss u, we backed each-other up on the other forums, talked about our lives ect. You’ve been a great friend to me and I wish you the best :green_heart:

Also I am glad I made your mood better.

Just one more meme for good luck ;)