Im oke now ((((((: wow look at all my chins

i have a test so ya. we’re online so i literally have no idea wtf is going on, im not good at it, and ive retained none of the information. HELP!!
@HomeworkHelp guyssss


What grade?

its geometry one HELPPPPPPPPP

if ur asking for my age, no

Pedro again ?

With what? Like, give me a question or something.

ok ok

how good at geometry are you?

he’s gonna make me rip my head off and trade it with someone else like im one of my barbies

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Kill him

i wish i could kill pedro but sadly. no

Depends on what the question is. I can always look it up too.

I will

that’s not a confident answer im gonna nsignbidntrksgniaerngiay

maybe i should go on a reddit forum

they do math

holup lemme put on my incel mask rq

I mean, ok. Sorry.

its timed @Ouijaloveletters i have thirty minutes so if i start the questions, no research allowed

Ah, sorry! I didn’t know.

I’m pretty good at geometry. What’s the question?

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