Inclusionary Language

In our society, inclusionary language is becoming more and more important. This thread will discuss what inclusionary language is and how to avoid language that is ableist, homophobic, racist, etc.

What is inclusionary language?
Inclusionary language is language that avoids the use of certain words or phrases that could be used to exclude a group of people.

How do I avoid language that isn’t inclusive?

  • Put people first. Instead of saying ‘a deaf person’, say ‘a person who is deaf’
  • Use gender neutral language. Instead of addressing a group of people as ‘guys’, use a gender neutral term like ‘folks’ or ‘y’all’
  • Avoid phrases and expression with racist origins. This includes words like ‘ghetto’ and ‘peanut gallery’
  • Avoid phrases like ‘that’s so gay’ or ‘you don’t look [insert word here]’
  • Avoid using slurs. This should be common sense.

Feel free to discuss this below and don’t be afraid to share anything you think should be on this list.


When you realize your English teacher didn’t teach you anything. Shocked Face - Stony Point Hall

Is saying a deaf person really offensive?
Can I not say what’s up guys? Or what’s up homies?
Haha, no more I’m from the Ghetto.
I agree with the last bullet point.


It’s not offensive, it’s just something you want to avoid since it kind of gives the message that the person is defined by their condition.

As long as no one you’re talking to has expressed any sort of discomfort towards it, you should be good. I’ll walk up to a group of my female friends and greet them with ‘sup my dudes’, but I would stop if any of them told me it made them uncomfortable.


WOW! This is such an amazing thread to have on the forums. Some much needed and very informative information to have in the world we are living in today. Have you considered maybe writing a blog about this topic for Shannii’s site, especially when it comes to writing, this would be great. (wink)




To be honest, I didn’t know I could

I’ll definitely work on writing one!


Of course you can. Shannii has said before that she welcomes anyone to write blogs for her, just as long as it’s got something to do with writing/forums, as that the theme of her website. (wink) Just create a wordpress account and write away.

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This is really interesting! I, personally, refer to groups of all girls as “guys” or “dudes,” although the terms aren’t directly related to gender.

This is always terrible! It’s so reductive and it implies that people are expected to fit into stereotypes, which is always a terrible message to send.

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Tell that to my sister

I use this when talking to anyone.

Added languages tag

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