International stuttering awareness day 🌀

So today it

International stuttering awareness day


So what is stuttering anyway?

Stuttering is a communication disorder in which repetitions — or abnormal stoppages of sounds and syllables — break the flow of speech. There may also be unusual facial and body movements associated with speaking.

International Stuttering Awareness Day shines a helpful spotlight on stutterers and educates the public about the causes. :pray:t4:



I have a friend who stutters a lot but he’s trying to control it.
He got it from his father


I stutter sometimes when nervous.


I read a book recently about a girl who stuttered but she was on a murderous search to find her sister’s killer
It was cool, I think, to have her stutter while also showing her character to be very tough and badassy—like the stutter limited her in some ways but for the most part it didn’t hinder her at all


I stutter all the time
Okay, not all the time, but sometimes I forget the next word or what I was going to say.


I used to be really bad with stuttering… my parents didn’t realize that’s what my issue was for a really long time, they just thought I was trying to speak before I had what I was going to say in mind, and would tell me to stop and think then talk, which frustrated me and made it worse. Since they realized (maybe 2-3 years ago now) they’ve been understanding with it, so my stuttering is a lot better, now it mainly gets bad when I get frustrated.


I stutter but it’s not that bad and when I notice it I get really annoyed coz it’s annoying

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Same, tho mine isn’t that bad

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I stutter even when I am talking to my family members, it’s a problem. It just happens. Or sometimes I can’t get the words out. Glad there’s an awareness day for it.

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I get excited or scared, and I talk so fast I trip over my words.

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I stutter a lot when I’m trying not to go non verbal, and contrary to what many people think, it’s not always caused by ‘just nerves’. I stutter when I get angry, or excited, even though I do try to stop it, because ppl notice and just awkward :sweat_smile:
My parents have never noticed, usually because I don’t actually speak much in front of them, at least not when emotions are running fast. However my friends have noticed it, and some have commented on it too :man_shrugging:

@Discussions - It may not be the awareness day right now, but it’s always important to speard awareness about these things every day of the year!! Feel free to share your thoughts, as it’s been a while since the thread had any contributions :]


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