Introducing: ShanniiWrites English Help

Reading is an important tool and here’s why.

What books have you read that have helped you with your writing?


i think that “alias grace” by margaret atwood had big impact on me. it made me try different and unusual styles of wirting


What type of different and unusual styles?

Just added a tag

Hey @Bloggers, here’s a very short blog with a very quick suggestion and reason for how to improve. Take a read of this and tell me what you think!

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now is this british english or American english?

What is? The blogs are always written in British English, as Shannii is from the UK. However, the advice is just universal help for writers. Best way to find this out is by reading it.

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Lol I meant jumper versus sweatshirt :sweat_smile::v:t2:

HUH? I don’t understand what this has to do with the blog?

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Well you get English help. In the USA, words have a different meaning from the UK. So…will we learn what those UK words are vs USA? (It’s a joke :woman_facepalming:t2:)

Umm… maybe just read the blog, please? (raises brow)

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CALIIII :sob: u ruined my jokeeee

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She always do :weary::joy::joy:

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Did u get my joke? :eyes::pleading_face:

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Yes :sweat_smile::sunglasses:

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Yayyy :laughing:
Ty for getting and understanding it :rofl:

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ngl it may be because english is not my first language but at first glance i thought this was about english language help, not literature

but hey it’s always good if more people learn to enjoy lit so nice!


Yes. Agreed. I’m particularly a fan of actual books over reading on a device. There’s just something about the feeling curling up with a good book gives you.

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if that ain’t a mood
digital books have a lot of advantages ngl but the comfort of a physical book is unmatched

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Exactly. I had a Kindle when travelling, yet somehow still managed to buy/read more books than I bought/read on my Kindle.

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