13 Reasons Why is a really controversial show on Netflix. it’s based on the book by Jay Asher but people say the show is much more graphic and romanticizes/glorifies suicide.
has anyone watched the show, and if so, what do you think?
i watched the first season and it is extremely triggering to people who have gone through similar things as hannah. i had to look away at many scenes. they’re extremely graphic, like hannah’s suicide scene. also, in another scene, they showed hannah getting raped, which people say shouldn’t have been shown on screen.
i believe a while after the show came out, someone committed suicide and did it in a way similar to hannah baker, and they made tapes. people think the show kind of persuades people to do that.
I have not seen the show. but I read the book. I was told to read because I loved another book (which is only sold in my own landguage Danish) and honeslty I was disapointed. the book was boring.
Personally when talking about suacide its a hard subject I can mention two bookswho would better to adapt to movies or tv shows because the very importen thing is the MC dont die in those. she tries to take her life but survive. dying is the end its the final.
I was suacidel I been in the hospital after a suacide attempt. I am still alive I am happy with my life. these books I read them when I was sucidel.
Did the books give me the idea about how to kill myself. yes overdose on pills.
but honeslty back then if I had known how easy it is to build a bomb I would have taken the entire school with me. good thing I did not know that.
life is hard and you are gonna die someday there is no need to do it sooner. instead try to make life better. it can be hard to do that. but its not worth to give up on life
So first things first it has been a while since I’ve seen it so I don’t know the whole show in detail but this is what I can say about it.
I don’t have a problem with them showing the rape scene or something. You see I feel like when they show a scene like that that it has a bigger impact on the people who are watching the show. However if you do a scene like that you need to do it right. I don’t remember that scene though. What is problematic to me is that it romanticizes/glorifies suicide. Or that part with the tapes and stuff. I still stand with the opinion that the ones who recieved the tapes should have gone to the police immediately. I can’t believe that they actually continued listening to them.
I read the book…short answer yes it is problematic.
Long answer…
1st off Hannah takes all this effort to make everyone who “wronged” her a tape before she does the deed.
She does all tht work instead of talking to clay or her family or anyone…
Theres so much wrong wth the book and the show…I dont feel like talking about it
Its bad should have never been made and the book never produced.
It’s extremely problematic, tasteless, boring and badly written.
It’s not worth watching, and it’s not worth controversy if I’m being honest. The way it’s filmed and the way it glorifies suicide and plays off r@pe as just a plot point or instigating moment for the villain is laughably bad.
Oh, spoilers, I guess, but I’m not gonna lie I heavily judge anyone who would be worried about spoilers for this trashheap dumpsterfire of a TV show.
Netflix should be ashamed that they put this crap on their platform and allowed it to run as long as it has
I still remember when it first came out, I didn’t even have netflix and all the girls in my year seemed to obsess over the show. I partly wanted to watch it just to see what the hype was about but after reading the plot and seeing a couple of scenes. No just…no.
It’s badly written more than anything and unrealistic. It’s far too graphic. I don’t mind graphic scenes but these were overly graphic to a point where it wasn’t justifiable. If you wanna shock your audience then do it to a point where they still wanna watch it not to a point where they wanna turn it off.
Also the concept of the tapes themselves actually aggravates me.
I even remember a girl at the time saying how wrong the series was and I didn’t wanna believe it at first because I was like “but everybody is so hyped up” plus this girl is the type to trash on anything in mainstream culture. But I really see what she meant.
Honestly I think they tried to make it so the show/book wasn’t glorifying mental illness, suicide, and sexual assault, but they kind of failed.
Personally I think they should’ve just left the show at season 1 because the show revolves around Hannah. You can’t really do that in season 2. It’s turning into Pretty Little Liars or Riverdale or something. I think the actors and actresses are great.
But the third season just looks bad. The trailer is cool, but 13 Reasons Why isn’t about who killed Bryce. Hell, Hannah didn’t even get the justice she wanted in season 2. The show was already pretty bad, but it’s just going to hell at this point.
Now you have brought this to my attention, here’s my 2p on this.
I think that 13 Reasons Why is absolutely terrible! Not only the fact that the show and the book glorified suicide (I’d be perfectly fine with the book/show if they portrayed the issue properly), everything about 13 Reasons Why looked like a total trainwreck! I felt that the whole show/book expect us to feel sorry for Hannah when she had been horrible to Clay when he did nothing but tried to comfort her. Hannah did tell Clay to leave like 3-5 times but in the tape, she said that he should have been there for her as a way to try and guilt trip him. Something tells me that she committed suicide for revenge.
Definitely written by someone who is very incompetent in portraying serious issues like that.
This show is terrible: the characters, plot, script, directing… it’s just bad, in my opinion. I saw the first episodes and I can’t believe that so many people love it. But (there’s always a “but”), about the person who ended his life after the show: I don’t think we should blame a TV show because of people actions. I believe that if the victim wanted to die, he/she would find a way to do it, even if the show didn’t exist.
I’m going to use a complete opposite example but I remember when “Scream 1” (the 1996 movie, I feel old…) was out, a man used the same mask than the fictive killer and murdered his neighbor. Most of journalists blamed the movie, saying that it gave the idea to the killer. I don’t believe it, I believe that if someone want to do something, he will do, in one way or another.
I understand it’s a completely different topic but my point is that it’s not the fault of a book, serie or a movie if someone wants to end their life. Maybe it gives him/her the idea to HOW to do it, but not WHY.
But maybe I’m wrong? I’m opened to different POV, haha.
I’m not sure if it’s problematic myself since I haven’t seen it, but I feel like this happens a lot with many tv shows and films. Like batman. It definitely happens with games! And people use it as an excuse to demonise or ban media.
People who don’t need help don’t do stuff like that
People always tell me to watch the show, but with the graphic rape scene, I think it’s best I stay away from it. That kind of thing is personally very triggering
Don’t forget the fact that Hannah was aware that Bryce was a rapist yet she chose to get in the hot tub with him. Hannah, WTF were you thinking? I get if she wasn’t aware that he was a rapist but the fact that she was all traumatised by her friend getting raped and she decided to go to Bryce’s house shows that she’s so freaking stupid! That’s like you’re being aware that you shouldn’t go to a lion’s lair because it’s dangerous yet you choose to go there.
I’m not victim blaming Hannah but she actually did brought this on herself by getting in the hot tub with Bryce when she clearly knew that he raped Jessica. Like I said, it’s not your fault if you got raped and you weren’t aware of the fact that the person was a rapist.