Is Batman a Superhero?

This all started when @katabasis was talking about the Green Arrow. I said he isn’t a superhero, which started a war between our two nations. I need allies. I’m losing!

So, is Batman/Green Arrow/Black Widow superheroes?

I say no and here’s why. The definition of superhero: ‘a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman.’

What is your opinion? Are they superheroes?

idk if this belongs in discuss or TV and Movies

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Of course they are wt

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They’re superheroes :pleading_face:

no smh
he is a spirit animal ween

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Batman and green arrow hero’s

Black widow spy/ hero but do what’s needed

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Under “law” their heroes but under their own perception I think everyone’s like Anti-Hero’s


I mean, she got on a team with gods and super soldiers, that has to count for something

batman isn’t a superhero because he’s lame


I mean, by definition, no, but I still classify them as superheroes because they’re in superhero movies / comics :sweat_smile:

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Who’s black widow-

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The woman who died in Endgame?


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doot doot time to yeet you off vormir

Non, but I guess they’re all heroes in some way :eyes::sparkles:

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Nope, they’re not! And Batman is just rich :eyes:

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If this is the definition… so no.

But I still consider Batman a superhero. Because he does the job a superhero does. :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t know, I’ve never looked up the definition so I didn’t know that superheroes needed superpowers. I very much consider Iron Man is a super hero.

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Oh, is that the formal definition of a superhero though?

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Wait what… maybe lol

I have no idea :thinking:

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Here’s the Oxford entry:

A character in a story, movie, etc. who has unusual strength or power and uses it to help people; a real person who has done something unusually brave to help someone opposite supervillain.

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Batman is a superhero
Fight me

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