Is BMI Important?

Is BMI Important?

BMI, Body Mass Index, is a rule of thumb used to broadly categorize a person as underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese based on tissue mass and height. Soure here.


  • Have you ever heard of BMI?
  • Do you think that it’s important to have a BMI associated with what is classified as normal weight?
  • Do you think that BMI is a good indicator? Why or why not?

NO! But 'cause I don’t care.


It’s probably the best indicator cause it combines multiple factors, however I truly don’t believe BMI says everything. Everyone is unique and so is their body! Honestly I don’t care at all about what my BMI is, I wouldn’t even know :woman_shrugging:


Yes, I’ve heard it during biology class before and read about it on multiple articles online.

For the average white person yes I would say so yeah. However your BMI isn’t an accurate measurement for your health as it doesn’t distinguish body fat and muscle. Which actually is pretty important because muscle weighs more than fat. An example for this are famous sports players like quarterback Tom Brady and basketball player Lebron James who are very active and healthy men , but would be considerd obese if you were to look at their BMI alone.

It’s also important to mention that the BMI calculation is often on Caucasian body types and may not be appropriate for people of other ethnicities. When compared to white Europeans of the same BMI, Asians appear to have a four percent higher total body fat. South Asians, in particular, have especially high levels of abdominal obesity, which can throw off the BMI measurement as well.

No because of the reason I listed above.


Ohh, interesting article you linked there! I never heard of that :thinking:



Unless your are putting your health at risk because of your weight, then listen to the bmi.

Personally, I have such a high self-esteem and confidence level, so I really couldn’t care less what it says. I don’t eat the best but I do enough exercise. Plus, I’m really tall so it’s whatever with me.

Medically, yes. But you can’t just go telling people they are obese because the chart said so. Be a bit more sensitive. It doesn’t really take muscle mass into consideration though. So you could be jacked and morbidly obese. It has it’s flaws.


Nah. You do you. I was underweight for a long time lol. BMI fluctuates, so what?


Oh yeah I once tried to find out what my BMI once by typing in my information on a website. Somewhere on the site it said that it was different for asians and as an asian myself I got interested in the topic.


It’s also different for children too but I don’t know how that works.


Good indicators, but really doesn’t tell you much other than how much space on the world you take up. It’s better to know your muscle to fat ratio.


Also they’re Eurocentric and for girls who are apart of races that naturally provide larger mass to their bodies, it can be really disheartening.


Don’t they simply take the majority of the country they live in as a standard? A European friend took the BMI test in Hong Kong and was found to be “obese” on Hong Kong standards but “normal” in France.

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