Is crying really a sign of being weak?

A lot of people in today’s society view crying as a sign of weakness, but is that really the case? Crying is our body’s response to something that is beyond our ability to cope and a response to pain. Everyone experiences it and it’s an effective way to overcome a strong spell of emotion. So, what do you think? Is crying really a sign of weakness?


Oh god no, it’s not a sign of weakness it is a visible display of emotion. As long as it’s not a method of guilt tripping crying can be beneficial in literally just getting your feelings out whether you are happy, angry or sad it just shows that you really feel something. Not weak at all. Nothing wrong with being in touch with your emotions.


“Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of having tried too hard to be strong for too long.”



On the contrary
It means you’re strong and aren’t afraid of showing your emotions


crying is when ya release salt water out ya eyes cos ya feelin too much of a certain emotion bruv
crying is healthy
cry more!


Short answer, no.

Long answer, nope, it isn’t a sign of weakness at all. Emotions are just something we have to deal with as humans. It’s something we build up over time. Sometimes it gets build up so high that it needs to be released. That’s only a healthy reaction to let it out through crying. It is probably one of the best ways to let it out actually. It helps us to process things that happened and give it a place. If you don’t let all that feelings out it’s gonna come out in way worse ways, trust me personal experience. So in some way I would almost say it’s strong to cry cause you release what’s bothering you that way.


Yall still have eyes?




Crying is not a sign of weakness.

This is both the reason why crying isn’t a sign of weakness but also why it could be seen as one. Crying is natural, we’re born with the ability to cry for a reason. But since crying often is a response to pain or some other overwhelming emotion someone who is crying a lot could be seen as someone who can’t handle a particular situation or physical pain as good as a person who didn’t cry in a similar situation. Although, that is very wrong. Everyone deals with things differently, the important thing is that we deal with it. Not dealing with it at all would be much more unhealthy.

I wouldn’t say that you’re strong just for crying though since it’s a natural reaction. But I get what you mean with saying that you’re strong. Many societies see crying as being weak and it’s strong to break the norm, not being afraid to show emotion and so on lol.


Strongly agree with everything that is mentioned on this thread! :eyes:

It honestly makes me laugh when people say showing emotion is weakness. Like really? :joy:


No. I think it’s just your body’s way of saying: yOu’Re hAnDliNg tOo mUcH, sO tEARS wILL rOLL oUT oF yOUR eYEs wHicH mEAnS tHAt yOU nEEd a bReAk.


I think it can sometimes be brave to cry because it’s embarrassing to cry in public! Or cry at all.

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I’m torn on this. I very rarely cry, but I can see why it’s seen as a sign of weakness or strength. I’ve always seen as my vulnerability being exposed, so…


So, I feel I can add a fun viewpoint to this as someone who was raised as a b i n a r y m a l e.

Crying was always something people kinda hinted to me that I shouldn’t do? It was never overt, like I’d never be called weak. It was just like. Men don’t cry, you know? And I internalised it hard. To the point that between the ages of like 9 and 20 I didn’t cry once. Nowadays though I become a sobbing mess if a child even so much as gets hurt in a cartoon

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Nope, never was never will be


Some foolish people think it is, but it’s not.

I hate when people judge me for crying because I let my emotions show when I’m angry, upset, or hurt. I don’t expect people to know what to do; I never know how to comfort people when they’re crying… but just… don’t judge. It doesn’t matter if YOU think they don’t have a valid reason to cry. You don’t know what someone’s going through or what made them break. You don’t have to hug them or say anything, but don’t tell them they’re wrong for crying over something that’s seemingly insignificant to you.


Not only is it not a sign of being weak, it’s a sign that you aren’t afraid to show yourself even at your lowest.

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I think there’s a difference between crying as a sign of being in touch with your emotions and crying too much! It’s fine to cry! It’s a good thing, in fact! What isn’t good, though, is when crying is affecting your relationships with the people in your life >.<

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I think being able to cry is really good and doesn’t make you weak in any way. Why would it, it’s a natural emotion. Even animals cry and I wouldn’t call a lion weak :smile:


I feel like I need to clarify. There was this girl at uni who would cry whenever you disagreed with her or whenever she didn’t like the book or she didn’t want to do an exam or…

Eventually, it become draining on the people around her and stressed us all out. Cathartic to her, a burden to the rest of us!