Is it hot or cold outside in your state

Is hot or cold where you live like North Carolina is hot outside. I was just playing basketball outside.

Tell me what is hot :hot_face: or cold :cold_face: outside in your state.


Cambridge UK

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Wow, it really hot here in North Carolina.

Cold here in NY :sneezing_face:

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Hot in Mexico :sunflower: :sunglasses:

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50 degrees F.
10 degrees C

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Wow :hushed:


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Neither hot nor cold moderate here in North India

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But the thing is it not really matter about weather as we all are staying at home :cry:

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Yep, I was outside playing basketball :basketball: with my family earlier yesterday.

The sun is shining here but it isn’t that warm :eyes::sparkles:

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It’s getting pretty warm here in central North Carolina. :woman_shrugging:t2: Probably an average of 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Oh my goodness, I do know that it will be 80 on Wednesday.
Remind me of this song.

I don’t live in the US, but it’s quite warm today. 18 degrees Celsius and sunny in Stockholm. :sunny:


Nice. It is warm but yesterday was hot.

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75 degrees here!

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