So, this looks a lot like a kimono, and if you’ve seen me, you know I’m very white. Can I wear it?
@ Discussions
So, this looks a lot like a kimono, and if you’ve seen me, you know I’m very white. Can I wear it?
It looks so beautiful
I don’t even know how to put it on.
Is there no manual or anything? Or you could use help of internet?
Well, I don’t know where the head opening is, lol. Like, I put it on, but it definitely didn’t look right.
Uh… you possibly can 'cause it’s dark on top. Though why not try it on first?
I need to figure out how to put it on. What does the dark on top have to do with it??
Hahaha. Oh. Can’t a retailer assist you?
It won’t wash out your face
In terms of how to wear it, just going off of the image, I think you’re supposed to put the top on the same way you would a jacket and then wrap it around yourself
(if there’s no way to secure it to itself then it’s probably just meant to be secured by the skirt or you could always pin it closed)
No its not really appropriate for you to wear something like thay tbh. I know people are giving ideas but the design which obviously rips off from Japanese kimono culture and ignoring important aspects of respecting it. UNLESS this was made by a Japanese designer i would be wary wearing it. Especially outside of Japan it seems very appropiative and i would reccomend getting rid of it especially as a white person in a white dominated area where you will be approproating it and disrespecting it.
Got it. That’s what I thought.
I mean, I assumed that she was looking at this for Cosplay of a character in mind and wondering if she could pull it off. If that is the case this would very much be respectful of the character and their culture. You know, so long as the character and story was appropriate for the ensemble.
Actually, no. A lady was selling it and we bought it. I’ll get rid of it.
Oh. … Uh, um… okaaay…
I honestly just thought it was pretty, and bought it without thinking of the consequences.
you slide on the dress…then tie the sash
This is more complicated. I don’t know how to explain it. I probably shouldn’t put it on, though.
not unless it’s for a cosplay
or you are going to Japan
Especially because I got it from a white lady. Great, now I’m anxious about going to Chinatown.
Nope. I actually thought it was just a cute dress until I looked closer, then I realized.