Do you think there is ever a time when someone should be allowed to cheat? Why or why not? What does it depend on, if anything?
To be honest, I could not tell you, since I think nothing matters anyways. Unless you’re trying to be some doctor or go in any career that takes extensive knowledge, you don’t need too good of grades, know what I mean?
as someone who’s cheated his way through most of school I think it’s okay until you get to university. when you reach that stage, your obtained knowledge on the subject you’re studying will most likely affect your experience in your future job; it could affect other’s negatively. if you end up cheating and becoming a doctor (which is almost impossible) well you’ll have no clue what you’re doing and people/colleagues/patients will have to suffer the consequences.
It’s never really “okay” to cheat, but a lot of us have done it, so The school system is messed up anyways. I do think that in certain career fields it is important to actually do the work without cheating, though.
I’m here to give a teacher’s POV on this! I know there are some other people who are teachers on here! @Talu and @lollipoplady spring to mind as I say this. They might be interested in replying, too! Of course, all teachers will have their own opinions.
No, I don’t think it’s right to cheat on your homework. I think it sets a bad precedent, since you can actually be kicked off your course or even face copyright legal issues if you start copying or cheating at university. It’s considered plagiarism to copy from someone else – whether that’s from Wikipedia or from your friend sitting next to you. You don’t want to get into the mindset where you think that’s normal or ok.
On the other hand, though, if your homework can be completed by copying from a friend, that’s a real issue. Of course, a subject like maths can’t avoid that as much. However, subjects that require you to be creative or argue your own point of view? Well, it seems a bit pointless for you to be able to regurgitate someone else’s creations. If you can, maybe that’s a flaw in the homework.
It’s hard for translation work if you’re doing a language, though. I think it’s a good idea to pass the baton onto @CrazyCaliope for that one, as she taught English as a Foreign Language. I guess that’s just me specifically being an English teacher (for native English-speaking students) talking!
I only cheated on a couple of tests in my early years of high school and in the later years I just didn’t do the homework for most of my classes or found a way to do the bare minimum
I do not condone this ofc, I’m not saying that because I did it that makes it okay…or am I no no please I’m not a role model
This was the STORY OF MY LIFE! “She’s so gifted but she doesn’t apply herself” WELL that’s because the work was too easy and didn’t challenge me at all. If it’s not giving me anything worthwhile, why bother wasting my time doing it when I have 100 other things I’d rather be doing?
Eventually, I’d end up only doing my homework for English because the work for it actually seemed useful
Yeah English homework was actually kinda
More engaging?
Maths homework could be easily cheated on MyMaths was just…a bad website
God I remember in year 7-9 I’d be so on top of homework but year 10+ I just kinda gave up I had no kind of motivation for it, but I never cheated on anything actually important, again, not saying it was okay
Right??? I hope I can be that kinda teacher! My teacher made us do things like short paragraphs explaining why Orwell said that Animal Farm is a fairy tale or making up our own essay questions. I could see how those would benefit me in the GCSE exams! With maths? Well, if I clearly got Pythagoras just fine in class, why you gotta make me do 50 other questions on it? If I didn’t get it, I need more help in class!!!
My teacher did the same kinda stuff! If she saw we struggled on something she’d ask us to stay after school but it super wasn’t a punishment, she’d order food and make it pretty chill.