Is not laughing at a joke being a snowflake?

My opinion on the term snowflake?

I think it’s very easy to give an umbrella term to a group of people.

“They’re vegan they must be a snowflake”
“They’re millenials they must be snowflakes”

tHeY diSaGreE wItH mE tHeY muSt bE sNoWflAkes

The majority of people I hear using that term seem to think that just because other people have different opinions and may appear overly sensitive that doesn’t make them snowflakes, if anything having such a stupid reaction like name calling is pretty snowflakish in itself. I think we should just let each other live.


No. It’s called your joke’s not funny so change the subject. :upside_down_face:
Orr, " Shut up, nobody asked."

:upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:

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Also I know humour is subjective, not everybody is going to find the same things funny. I love dark humour but I know it’s not everybodies cup of tea, if somebody says that what I said isn’t funny I don’t care I’ll just think to myself “I guess that I don’t share the same humour as this person” no they’re not a snowflake, my joke just wasn’t universally funny.



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