Is your art better when you've had more sleep or less sleep?

I think for everyone it’s better when you have more sleep because your concentration level is higher and if you don’t have enough sleep, you will feel lazier and more sleepy but what’s your opinion? : )



Usually I’d draw something and finish it at like 1am but recently I’ve been sleeping more and I’m happier with what I draw. I don’t know if that’s what affected my drawings though :sparkles:

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Depends of which personality is out.

Luna tend to do better on less sleep. She likes to come out while I’m a sleep to draw.

Me (Soph) with more sleep I am better.

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Hm, I don’t know! If I didn’t sleep well then I just wouldn’t do anything all day because I’m tired!
I only do art when I’m inspired and hyped

less always
at night

im a night time person

Don’t know if there’s that much of a difference in quality. I might be more focused when I have had more sleep , but I tend to be more carefree when I have had less. Mostly because I tend to care about everything in general at that point :sweat_smile:

90% of my art is made in the late evening/night. I believe that’s what works best for me cause I love the calmness of the night. It brings me in a mood that’s great for drawing.

I think being a bit tired helps, but only to an extent

My art is never any good, regardless of the amount of sleep I get. HA

What about you, @Artists?


I usually get more ideas when I’m tired, so definitely less sleep.


Haha, true!

Idk. I’m tired all day everyday no matter how much or little I sleep.

I’m not sure if the amount of sleep I get affects my art too much, but if I’d have to choose I’d say less sleep so my brain is less active and focusing less on other thoughts and more on my art

Closed due to inactivity :blossom: