Is your school bag organised?

My college bag definitely is, well was but when I was actually going to college I had a folder for important things. Then I’d keep current task sheets and work at the back of my bag, then old stuff at the front!

What about you guys?


I only have my laptop, a notebook, a pen and lunch box in my backpack so it can’t get that messy.


Yes it can! If the pen leaks and your lunch falls out!

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It used to be when I was in high school but now it isn’t. If I wasn’t going to the academy of arts it definitely would be but now I just have bunch of sketchbooks, at least 3 pencil cases, rules for my architecture classes and a fixative

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My pen can’t leak? I use mechanical pencils.

And I have my lunch box in a plastic bag :laughing:

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Right now it’s basically empty, cause everything is on my desk :joy: But yeah usually it’s really organized and clean! Laptop on one side, then the books and paper things I need in order besides that and food on the other side. Also there is kinda a little pocket in the bag itself it where I keep 3 pens and 2 pencils and an eraser

Never, my school bag is never organised. Sometimes you would see random papers in my bag…


Only because I got a new one before school closed. :eyes:

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My college folder was definitely organised, it had to be there was so much stuff in it :joy:

My schoolbag though? Mostly contained custard creams and irn bru :eyes:

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I first thought “bag” was a typo and you actually meant “Is your school badly organised?” . I was about to write a whole rant about how poorly my college handles deadlines and just handing in assignments in general. Until I saw the actual description of this topic :neutral_face:

But my yeah my bag is pretty organized, most of my classes don’t require physical books so I don’t have to take a lot with me anyways. :grin:


I wish :joy: Mine is a mess. I always say at the beginning of the school year “This year I’m going to keep my bag nice, organized, and clean.” I do it for the first couple of weeks of school, then forget and just give up. :sob:


Non, but it’s still more organized than my desk :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

It used to be. Now, it’s messy and if someone looked inside of it, all they would find is food, homework, paper, pens, a calculator and a ruler. Whenever I tidy up my bag, it always ends up messy, so I just stopped. :joy:

Don’t have a school bag anymore, but when I did it definitely wasn’t organized haha

It’s very organized right now but only because it’s empty :eyes::eyes::green_heart::joy:

Yup! Totally organized. Different section for books and notebooks, different for pencil cases, different for lunch and money, different for other accessories… That’s about it. I think.

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Nope, it’s always full of stuff I don’t even need :no_mouth::rose::two_hearts:


Sometimes I’m too lazy to throw my gum wrappers out so I always have about 4 in my pencil case :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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Yes, I pretty much organise everything. I sort them by the order of classes during the day, book first then notebook. After I’m done with those, I place the pencil case in front with a notepad.

Everything. Has. To. Be. O r g a n i s e d. :star_struck:


I never throw out my gum wrappers, that takes too much work

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