Ismeina & Nathael’s Adventure RP


Ismeina returned home on their bike and walked into the house. They entered their house and went to turn on the lights. A small, yellow sticky note was stuck on top of the switch with a cryptic message. They weren’t entirely sure about what was going to happen, but they were convinced that there wasn’t really a choice to be made. They knew that they would have to pack for tomorrow and would need to be prepared for what was going to happen. While they were trying to think about what to pack, they got distracted from loud noises from the other side of the wall. “Hey, do you mind keeping it down over there?” Ismeina shouted through the wall, hoping to get their neighbor to be quiet. They were not looking forward to having to work together, but there wasn’t really time to complain.

Ismeina collected themselves and went to grab a backpack. They grabbed a set of spare clothes and a water bottle and shoved them into their pack. They quickly grabbed some food and a blanket that they could roll up to be quite small and worked on making sure that they had everything to survive the next night. They quickly grabbed a deck of cards and some matches to start a fire with, just in case they would need to start a fire.

After packing what they thought was important, Ismeina chose to forget about the paper that they had been assigned. After all, if they were going to be leaving tomorrow morning, there was no reason for them to study. Whatever the teacher wanted was insignificant and wasn’t worth worrying about. Something was about to happen, and Ismeina got the feeling that an essay would soon be the least of their worries.
