Just a small pass time (how well do we know each other)

I thought this would be a bit of a fun game to play, I found a website where you answer the questions how you would answer them and your friends guess what you answered! So I thought I’d share mine and see what you all think (you don’t have to do mine lol) share your results on this thread! Also if you want to make your own and put it here that would be great!

Remember this is just a bit of fun :wink:


Btw I’m not taking this seriously I don’t make my friends take an exam on me, if you don’t know it’s fine :joy:

Only 4/15 :joy:

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Eyyy that’s not bad :joy:

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I got 7/15 :eyes::rose::two_hearts:

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Wow :eyes: not bad at all

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I got 7/15 ! Lol didn’t expect that. :joy:

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7 / 15 !

I’m going to try creating one for me. :sunflower: :sparkles: :coffee:

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9/15, not that bad but slightly disappointed in myself tbh…

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Lol well done!

Yay I’ll look forward to it

That’s not a bad score at all!


I mean I should know you well, haha, I was hoping for at least 10 but I’m alright with 9 :eyes: Some I really had to guess tho :joy:

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I made my test:


I got 8/15 :eyes::rose::two_hearts:


I’m impressed. You know me pretty well even tho we didn’t talk that much :joy:

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I got 6 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ay I did way better :rofl:, 9/15

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That’s pretty good! Haha, did any of the answers surprise you :thinking:


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Not really :joy: It was hard to guess the emoji one for me though

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i only got 6 ;-;

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It was hard for me to choose that one, haha, I don’t think any of them completely fitted me. Which one did you choose?

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