How many of you are teenagers and adults? (But no need to say exactly how old are you )
- Teen (13-18)
- Adult (20-30 and above)
0 voters
Note: Please don’t ask me how old I am, because I won’t reveal my age.
Thank you
How many of you are teenagers and adults? (But no need to say exactly how old are you )
0 voters
Note: Please don’t ask me how old I am, because I won’t reveal my age.
Thank you
Can I ask you if you’re an adult or a teen? I’m an adult!
Of course. And to answer your question, I’ll say that I am a teen
I was about to select teenager then I remebered that, that is over for me now
Even if you voted teenager, you could have revote again.
That is true
If I remember correctly, I saw on the Episode app or on the forum that you said that you are 21-22 years old.
I’n 21 I feel old
Oh, gosh. It’s funny , because my annoying brother said exactly the same. When his age is reminded, he says: “I am old”.
We all feel it
But, please stop saying this. You know, it is annoying me when people in their first 20s say that they’re “old” when they are not at all. It’s not like you are 40 or 50.
21 as well. Hooray
You know you didn’t have to say your age, but if you said - then you did (it’s not that I have a problem with that. The thing is that it seems unfair that I know the age of some of you, but you don’t know mine )
I don’t mind! I tell everyone my age haha
I mean if you wanna keep it private that’s cool but I don’t mind sharing
Well, not revealing my age is one of the principles/conditions that I set myself when I decided to join the (Episode) forum.
Am i the oldest one here
I’m 15, turning 16 on May 15
Maybe not
You’re not old don’t panic