Just hit paste!

@zoom on 0 397 to 55% in 0

Thank you so much! :blue_heart:

Just thanking people for their sudden congratulations :blue_heart:


(post withdrawn by author, will beautomatically deleted in 24 hours unlessflagged)what does this do? :eyes::eyes::green_heart:

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We’re going to have a vote on the Forum User of the Month on the 25th of April. You have until then to nominate whoever you want!

A forum user of the month is someone who contributes to the forum in a huge way. This can be promoting the forums to help us get new users, contributing frequently, giving out amazing advice or making very helpful threads – just to name a few things. Basically, the Forum User of the Month is someone who makes the forums a better place to be! They will then get a prize!

Here’s how things are going to work as usual:


  • You have until the 25th day of the month to nominate members of the community.
  • Every user gets 1 nomination.
  • You cannot nominate yourself (we can’t stop you voting for yourself later on).
  • All Forum users of the Month have to have been here since the start of the month (1st April).
  • You can nominate the same person for more than one month in a row. Someone can win the prize more than once!
  • Heads of Staff (@ShanniiWrites, @CrazyCaliope, @anon68003072 and @ChaoticDeluge) cannot be nominated!

The Prize

If you win the Forum User of the Month award, you get to choose between two prizes:

  1. A Profile Picture/Character Sheet from @ChaoticDeluge
  2. A review and promotion of the first 3 chapters of your story from @ShanniiWrites on her website.

Both can be discussed in more detail with the 2 of them through PM if you win.

If a non-staff member wins, they will have a whole month with all of the privileges of leader, with none of the responsibilities!

We’d appreciate all the nominations we can get so @/Announcements please nominate someone!

Good luck!

Sorry for the tags, guys, lol :joy:


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The hills are alive!


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Oprah Winfrey
Adam Middleton
Ellen Degeneres

Musical-Loving Roleplaying Leader

Omg @novella



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Mine is:

(because I edited it into my post on the ‘Meet The Forum Staff’ thread)


oh why why why

i was spamming lyrics to it

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I was copying the pictures into a poll :eyes::green_heart:

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Reminder + poll for poll battle


I’m not even sure what this means 🤦🏽