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Which concept is described in the theory proposed by Hess?

The few with VR headsets were seen by the city’s therapist, none of the things said in these bi-weekly sessions were private. The cities “Priori” or Signoria (the city government) like to know what was going on with anyone with this technology. They loved to keep the old traditions of the roman empire alive while keeping up with the history going on around them.

dose this make sense?


An increasingly pluralistic United States faced profound domestic and global challenges, debated the proper degree of government activism, and sought to define its international role.

The website I’m using for my APUSH studying lol. That’s for period 7, 1890-1945

“Ok, after hours of waiting, we’re going to land soon. This should all be worth it, right?” I talked


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&set hsl 0 -100 0 no_colorize with blendMode NORMAL to 100%

I was coding haha

“Well they are as much mine as they are yours. Come see them anytime.”

Hahaa ha ha. No.

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