Kale's Guide to Well-Developed Characters

I love this idea! And it’s slightly different from the way I’ve been approaching things with very comprehensive character sheets, but it really does convey a lot of info, so thanks! It’s easy to keep just a few things in mind when writing dialogue for a character (easier than keeping their entire life story in mind).


Thank you so much, everyone! I can’t even begin to describe how happy this makes me, I put so much effort into this ‘article’ and it’s wonderful to have it appreciated!

Oof, yeah, you’re totally right. Imagine having to analyse all of your character’s written backstory just for one sentence of dialogue…

People have shown so much interest in this and I’m truly amazed! I want to do something bigger with it, and I already have a slight idea. Would you like one post per week, giving you different scenarios that would help you characterise your characters even more? Behaviour in certain situations shows a lot about à person and it helped me a lot.

  • Yes, please! I’d love that!
  • No, I think that’s completely unnecessary.

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This thread is amazing, this will definitely come in handy when I decide to write another story! I’m gonna tag some peeps that would like this

@HonoraryMembers @ForumStaff


I love it! @firefly would you want to work with me to publish something for the main website, too? It would give you something to put on your CV/resume! Say you’re a blogger :wink:


I love this!!

I have it bookmarked and I’m willing to use it for all my stories


Thank you for the tag!

This is definitely going in my bookmarks. This is very helpful. Thank you, Kale!


Of course! This is a great thread for writers so why not tag a group or two of them :joy:


Medium-Large Bump


Bump, a lovely thread


moved to the new guides categoryt

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I can’t believe what happened to this after I left, I’m so shocked at all the hype. Thank you so much, everyone, for the bumps and commentary : D
Now that I’m back, I might do the characterisation scenarios if anyone’s still interested.

Oh goodness, that would be amazing! I would be more than flattered to!


Added help and characters tags!!

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Just one thing to add to this, make sure that your characters’ backstories do follow the PG-13 rules. Nothing too triggering either. This place is teenagers, as well as adults, so we want to have anything rated R here. That’s not to say that you can’t have semi-mature content, you can, just be careful of your wording and how how much detail you go into.
If you have questions about what you can and can’t use in your character’s story, feel free to either ask me here or shoot me a PM. No worries at all, I love questions like that. (wink)


When developing your character, make sure that you understand how their personality would have impacted their backstory. Their personality would have caused them to react to a situation in their past different than someone else might. In turn, their past will also have had an impact on their personality now. A sudden loss of someone they cared about, could cause them to push people away or to hold the people they care about now closer for example.
The personality impacts the backstory, which then impacts the personality going forward. It is a cycle of one always having an impact on the other even as you write for your character in the RP.


I absolutely love this :two_hearts:

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Bump :eyes: this is so useful!

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