Las Levendas REBOOT - Offical Thread

Marcel Lefou

“Thank you mon ange.” The woman said to her son having helped her. “No need to thank me. I’m always glad to help.” Lefou smiled in response to his mother once again calling him her angel. One thing you could never say about Lefou, was that he didn’t love his mother. Everything he had going in his life had one of two people to thank. His mother, who devoted her life to her son, and Gaston, the man he had long considered his best friend. It was true that Lefou seemed almost subservient to Gaston, but Lefou was loyal to his friend and stood by him with anything. The friend who had helped him that day as young children so long ago. Lefou had helped his mother that morning before meeting up with Gaston himself as they always did for Gaston to talk about whatever it was that he wanted. Their conversation may be just about Gaston, but Lefou would never complain about it. As Gaston told Lefou about his struggle in determining a Christmas gift for Belle. “I’m really not sure Gaston. You could find a first edition copy of her favorite book, a meeting with her favorite author, or maybe a performance acting out her favorite book?”

@sunflower.flow - Gaston