Las Levendas REBOOT - Offical Thread


Gaston had to stop to digest it. He couldn’t believe LeFou had offered him something like that. He waved his hands vigorously. “I guess I would have to be a fool to do that.” He snorted. “Doesn’t my dear LeFou know that Belle is addicted to these books? And such addictions must be healed.” He nodded. “We only have problems because of her fairy tales, novels, for God’s sake. Reading… she can read, I try to tolerate it." He sighed heavily. “But I WILL NOT support her hobby. Over my dead body!” and he raised his voice so much that his baritone hit the nearby shop windows and echoed back to him. Of course, Gaston wasn’t going to mention that he didn’t know anything about Belle’s favorite things. Why would he humiliate himself like that? Even in front of his dear friend.

They turned into an alley that led to the café. Gaston heard soft murmurs of delight that rose with every step he took. He looked around, noticing small groups of women who started to gather around. They stood far enough for Gaston not to hear the contents of their sighs but close enough for them to examine him. A proud grin lit his face. This is how Belle should be treating him. Sadly, they don’t see each other that often… she must miss him so badly.

Gaston stopped unexpectedly. Eyebrows raised high indicated that he had come up with a brilliant plan. The man thought for a moment, squeezing his perfect, shaven jaw tightly before clapping his hands. With incredible joy, he grabbed LeFou by the shoulders and turned him towards him. He bent his knees to match his friend’s height and looked him straight in the eyes. “Now, I know! I know what I have to do,” he said proudly, shaking LeFou briskly. “Belle must miss me terribly, which is why she reads so many books. To kill time, when we’re apart. We see each other so infrequently.” He lamented, shaking his head. “But!” He raised his big forefinger high up. His irises flashed with an eerie glow of excitement. He paused for a moment, building up the tension to dramatize his spark of genius. “My portrait! Yes, that is the best solution. That gift will be passionate and practical at the same time.” He nodded, assuring himself of the amazingness of this intention. “We’ll hang it in her bookshop, so I’ll always be around… kind of. Then she will never have to drown her sorrows in books. That should solve all my problems. Don’t you think LeFou?” he looked questioningly at the short man, tilting his head slightly to the side. He knew his friend would undeniably agree with him. It was, after all, a very meticulously thought-out plan. Perfect in its simplicity. Gaston smiled even wider waiting, for the subjective opinion of his dear friend.

@Littlefeets ~ Marcel LeFou

@angelic ~ Belle LeGume ~ mentioned