Location: Giggly Juice (hihihi)
“I was a street rat too… Wait, no, I was a wanderer. There’s a difference, isn’t there? Anyway, who cares? It was all in the past and I don’t want to remember it.” he looked away. Memories of his hitman days flashed in his head. It was not the smartest decision to the mafia, but he doesn’t regret it. What happened, happened and all he can do is move on.
“Yeah, yeah, I have a sad life,” he rolled his eyes at Bill. “All these newbie singers stole my spotlight. And their music wasn’t even that good! Who the fxck likes to listen to ‘ooh ooh ah ah’. How is that even considered as music?! Good Lord, the kids these days. This generation is really messed up,” he ranted to his lover friend.
“Ready, darling?”
Mikhael cringed when he said that. “Uh… sure. Please Don’t call me ‘darling’ again.” He cleared his throat and waited for the pianist to start. “~Oh, the weather outside is frightful…~” he started singing. His voice, like an angel’s. He felt good singing. It had been a while.
@sunflower.flow ~ smexy boii who belongs to Mikhael