Las Levendas REBOOT - Offical Thread

Location: Bill’s Bar Which Currently Has No Name :smiley:

Mikhael woke up to bright lights and someone singing. “Hm…?” he stretched his arms and looked around and noticed that he was in the bar. Ugh, looks like he had too many drinks and passed out here last night. “Hey, Cole,” he called the bartender, “Can you get me a glass of water? Thanks,”

He got up to see who was singing. Oh, it was Bill. Mikhael had forgotten he had a concert today. “Hey, Bill,” he walked up to him. “Didn’t know you’d be here this early. Isn’t the concert held in the evening?” he asked while straightening his wrinkled shirt.

He grabbed the glass of water that Cole gave and chugged it. “Ugh… I was so wasted last night,” he rolled his eyes and tried to untangle his hair. “Anyway, I didn’t see you here last night. Where were you? I got tired of waiting for you.”


@sunflower.flow ~ Boy Who Didn’t Show Up Last Night :pleading_face:
@randomrper ~ Cole The Bartender


Archer had his bag slung tight across his body his head down and his computer in tow secured into his bag. He was trying to make sure the cops weren’t following him. He had slipped up for once and he knew they didn’t know it was him but he was paranoid at this point. He headed out of the crowd trying to to make sure he could calm himself down before things had gotten out of control. He turned down an ally way and tried to calm his nerves as he leaned with his back against a wall. Their was a crow that kept coming near the tops of the buildings that surrounded the alley.


As I was flying, saw a perfect alley to change into, but just as I was about to land, a guy hugging his back ran in and hid. I tilted my head to get a better few before flying down. I landed behind him before changing. After all, I didn’t care who knew I could, with a city filled with crows and pigeons, no one would be able to spot who I was.
“You know, if you want to hide, it’s best to do it in a place that doesn’t end in a wire fence,” I said pointing behind me where a wired fence blocked the alley halfway.


Gothel exited the back kitchen, carrying a tray of pastries that hadn’t been sold the day before. That was when she heard the familiar dings of a customer entering her store. A well off young woman walked in. Upon further observing she realized the young woman was Aphrodite.

“Hello Gothel, I hope you remember me…”

"Ah, Of course I remember you darling. How could I forget you " She said with a grin plastered on her face. It was a strange sight to see Aphrodite at her store since she rarely visited, so she was taken aback. Gothel moved from behind the counter to greet her. “Oh my, that coat is gorgeous. May I?” She lightly brushed her hand against the sleeve. "It’s too bad I can’t afford anything close to this. Anyhow, what brings you here today? " She asked.

@elixr - Aphrodite


Their was a sound, it had startled Archer into turning around as he spotted who he assumed was a man change from a crow to a human form. Archer knew that their were people in this town that could do things like that, people who possessed that kind of magic. It took Archer a moment before the fact that the person was even talking hit him with heavy realization. He looked to where the man had motioned and shook his head sighing realizing if the cops had been following him then he would have trapped himself here. “Its a good thing I am simply paranoid and not really running from anyone.” he said as he sat down in the ally way pulling his laptop out and looking at the codes as he tried to make sure he had gone back to hide his tracks. After a few minutes he shut the lid with a little more force than he had intended. “I should be ok now. They shouldn’t be able to track it back to me now I have fixed it. I just hope they didn’t notice it before.” he mumbled to himself as he stuffed his laptop back in his bag and stood up with a sigh.


I tilted my head in amusement as a big grin formed on my face as I listened to the guy mumble, though no one would be able to see with the mask. I leaned against the wall with one shoulder and crossed arms while teying to take sneak a peek of his screen. “Don’t be so sure, this city has eyes and ears everywhere” I warn him to feed his paranoia a little. “So, now I’m curious, what is it that made you run from cops, erase your trachs and hide behind Jimbon’s food house?” I asked, knowing sooner or later somwone would come out dumping that gross food out and make this alley smell even worse than it already does.


He shook his head he knew that the man behind the mask was just trying to get to him. Archer took a few deep breaths as he looked at the man. “I’ve done it before I just a small mistake today is all.” He says as he pulls his bag over his shoulder again. “I’ve avoided the eyes of this city longer than you would think.” Archer shifted on the balls of his feet still obviously still nervous on some level. Archer heard the man’s question and pondered telling him as he leaned on the wall of the alley trying for mock calmness. The answer he came up with even surprised him. “I’ve never had much for a track so there wasnt anything to erase but I’m hiding because I help others… it may not be legal though.” He mumbled the last part under his breath with arms crossed across his chest. The ally smelled no doubt but Archer didnt have much of anywhere else to be.


I tilted my head again. “Why?” I asked as he told me he helped others. “Why help others if you can’t even help yourself get out of this nightmare city?” I asked and leaned closer to the guy. “This city is as corrupted as it gets, not a single person here deserves help, nor will they ever return it. Why use your skills for the benefit of others when all they will ever do is betray and hurt for their own personal gain as a return. You can be good all your life, but in the end, those who dare to be corrupt will always stand above the others” I said clenching my fist.


He thought over his answer to a question like that. “Come with me I’ll show you why.” Archer walked to the edge if the alley and peeked his head out looking both directions before stepping out into the crowd then looking back to the man. His intention was to show the man why he did what he did. Show him the orphanage that he had grown in. “Are you coming?” Archer smirked as he kept his eyes trained on the other man. He didnt know what about this man didn’t scare him, what about this man made him feel like he could tell him what he did, why he felt like this guy would never hurt him or turn him in for what he did.


I shook my head and stayed in the shadow of the alley. “Not like this, I won’t. You just walk, I can follow” I said with a sarcastic chuckle and turned back into a crow. I had enough of people staring and looking at me, even stupid punks who would try to take off his mask. This guy intrigued me. Most people are gone within seconds as they see me, calling me a freak and whatnot. So I didn’t have much human contact and any type of neutral or slight positive interaction would feed my interest.



Giggly juice, really?” it was the fourth or fifth bar in which Bill desperately tried to find a job. He had experienced years of unemployment many times during his lifetime, but never before has it been so difficult for him to find a music profession! With a slight resignation, he went inside, meeting the dense odor of oak wood. The bar, as Bill expected from the name, tried to resemble those from the 1930s. Despite how hopeless it managed to convey the richness of those times, Bill, for the first time, felt
at home.

He didn’t even have to sing! His clothes and New Orleans accent were enough to make the owner, a scary woman, give him this job. Or maybe it was due to a long-term lack of employees? The bar didn’t seem to be very successful. Dusty shelves with very few cheap-looking liquors. One bartender, no waiters, and… zero clients. Something was wrong here.

The next evening, Bill was going to play a concert here, right away. Surprisingly, it was supposed to be a Christmas performance, although tomorrow was only December 1st. And Bill couldn’t wait to show everyone his jazz skills. All night he was preparing a list of songs he was going to perform. He had to write music and words from memory… but in the end, due to his lazy nature, he fell asleep over his unfinished notes.

Late. The first day of work, and he was already late. He’d only been living here for two months…, but he had already noticed that everyone was on time - perfect to every single second. As if they were walking clocks themselves. As stiff and annoying as them. Especially his new boss, a scary woman. On the threshold, she greeted him, wincing as if she had just eaten the sourest lemon in the world.

“You’re lucky you’re cute and cheap,” she said, pressing a stack of pages to his chest. Those were music notes…? But, Bill prepared them… well, new times, new rules.

He apologized and went inside, heading toward the main stage.

“Hi… erm… Cole, right? And…?” Bill bent down to see who was hiding under the storm of hair lying tiredly on the counter. “Mikhael?” he shot in the dark only after saying the name, realizing it was indeed Mikhael. He didn’t know why, but looking at the man, he felt as if he had forgotten something. However, no door in his mind wanted to open and enlighten him. He concluded that it was clearly not important enough to waste his time.

He scanned the notes given to him. “Have a Cheeky Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Santa tell me… What 's 'dis cr*p?”

He looked around for the owner. She had been standing in the dark corner the whole time, watching his every move - like a lion waiting for its prey to make a mistake.

“Sorry, but I’ve never heard those songs…” noticing her suspicious and surprised reaction, he quickly saved himself from this awkward situation “…in an old-fashioned gin mill like this one.” Bill sighed, before continuing, “Shouldn’t there be some… jazz 'ere?” he asked, making a “jazzy hands” dance-move to get his point across.

The woman rolled her eyes. “It’s supposed to be fashionable here, sweetheart. It’s not my fault I can’t afford to renovate this godforsaken hole. As you may have noticed, we are not the town’s hotspot, and we have to catch up with the competition." She directed her little, mouse eyes towards the notes squeezed in Bill’s hands. “This is the only way we can make money and gain young rich fellows to come here. Do you understand, pumpkin? "

Bill nodded uncertainly. “Perhaps if the music and the decor were consistent, guests would start coming here,” he muttered under his breath.

“Did you say something, kitty boy?”

“No, I wouldn’t dare to!” Bill reacted quickly, raising his hands defensively. “I’m already getting to work.” The woman smirked as she guided her stick-like legs towards the backdoor. Even before she closed the door, she gave Bill a sinister look, then finally disappeared from the man’s sight. Bill breathed out a sigh of relief. He didn’t care what that horrible woman had to say. He will play the songs that he has chosen himself.

He began to relax his vocal cords by singing a few simple warm-up songs. His exercises were interrupted by a voice he knew well. “Hey Mikhael!” he turned to him, smiling. The man looked… like he was having a really good time yesterday. Maybe too good. Bill was terribly amused by his sluggish mood and elegant-differently appearance, and he tried to cover up his stiff laughter with a short grunt. “I had to come for a rehearsal, but I still managed to be a few minutes late.” He explained jokingly.

“What about yo- oh…” Bill nodded, now remembering what he forgot about yesterday. He and Mikhael were supposed to meet here to “check out” the place. Obviously, Bill was too focused on the songs he thought he had to prepare. “I’m sorry, Mikhael. I was swamped with work. Which didn’t matter anyway, cause I would ‘ave ta sin’ 'dis bulls*it!” he scrambled the papers even more. “I probably won’t do it anyway,” he whispered with a significant wink.

“But… ya seem like ya had a great time without me.” Bill cockily raised his eyebrow. “Anythin’ interestin’ happened in 'dis godforsaken hole?”

@elixr ~ Mikhael Braun (btw, I love the way you tag people, ahha)

I hope it’s not absolutely awful! :grinning:
And sorry that it’s so long, sorry that it has maaaaany (probably) mistakes, and sorry that it’s not funny!


Archer nodded understanding as he changed back into a bird. He walked weaving through the crowd head down until Archer got to the small orphanage on the edge of town. That was the first time he looked up and he was still their. Still was the man flying in bird form above his head. He didnt know why but the sight brought a smile to his face as he came to a stop in the open yard of the orphanage. “We are here.” Archer called as he waited for the crow man. He looked over the ramshackle yet familiar place. It was all so familiar for him. He debated walking to the door being let in by someone. No one would question that he was visiting it was an often occurrence. However Archer faught the urge and waited for the man in crow form to return to a human shape near him.


I followed the guy, wondering where he was going to lead me, skeptical and curious at the same time. That was always a big reason I follow as a bird, in the sky, no one can touch me, no one can hurt me.

As the guy called out I dove down and landed in front of him. I changed back and looked at him. “Where is here exactly?” I asked.


The mans question rang through the still air. Archer simply pointed to the sign near the front door. The sign read merryman home for wayward and orphaned boys. “What I called home until last year.” Archer sighed as he looked back at the door. “This is one of the papal I help the most.” As he said this Archer pulled the straps of his bag tighter on his shoulders. “And contrary to anything you tell me I know first hand that they deserve it.” He said as he took a deep breath and crossed his arms.


I nodded with a sigh as I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket. “As heartless as it sounds, I can’t fully agree with you. They are outcasts, unwanted…unneeded. All you’re doing is giving them a fish and as long as you do that, they will starve” I tell him as I look up at the building. “You know the saying?” I asked before looking at him. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to catch a fish and he will never be hungry again” I explained calmly. “This world doesn’t do hand-outs, nothing is for free, all you’re doing is giving them false hope,” I said coldly while shaking my head. “If you want to help them…teach them how to survive in a city like this, and they will be able to create a life anywhere they want,” I tell him,


He sighed and rolled his eyes slightly. “I understand where your coming from but they are exactly like me unwanted and that’s the point. I dont just hand the money over to them either. That’s not the case.” He was a little irritated at what seemed on at least some level to be an accusation. “I paid back what they were due for keeping me alive. I’ve taught some of them it’s simply that if I dont help none of them are skilled enough to provide. They would all die here.” He was trying to keep his voice even trying to bite his tongue from the taste of malice that was starting. Archer knew he needed not to take this to heart. He took a deep breath and looked back at the man. “In your words I’m teaching them to fish but they are unable to do it well enough yet to survive. And I am just paying back what I was given. It’s not like giving money here is worse than what it would be used for otherwise in this town. You said so yourself. This place is corrupt and cruel at leat this is s little Ray of light on that darkness.” He was still trying not to take on a tone that suggested argument, a tone that would scare the man off, but he wanted the man to see that this wasnt a hand out either.


I nodded. I could understand his point of view but I couldn’t share it. “So I know the why but now I’m curious about the what,” I said in an amused tone. “Because stealing apples and bread doesn’t seem to fit your previous actions” I explained while crossing my arms as I was thinking and analyzing out loud. “Going by how you acted and your computer, I would go with a white hat hacker…well probably grey hat in your case, or…no definitely a hacker” I concluded after thinking a bit more.
Which was useful since I didn’t know many hackers yet, any new addition would be useful in this environment.
“Am I correct?” I asked with a little shrug.


“Exactly why do you want to know the what? I mean I feel the what is kind of clear.” He he sat down in the grass and pulled out a notebook it was covered in a series of numbers scrawled out in the messiest hand writing imaginable. “I mean we all have to start some where maybe apples and bread is where I started. Maybe that was my beginnings or maybe not.” He was starting to not feel as unthreatened by this man maybe it was the sudden change of air that their disagreement had brought on or maybe it was something else. “Or what if im not a hacker what were you thinking?” He asked simply curious as to hear the man’s train of though. “I mean it is possible I could be anything. I mean isn’t that what we are all told constantly as children?” Archer smiled. He was starting to like that despite the fact that he thought what he had done and would do was obvious just from his actions alone the man had to think it through still.


“Just curiosity I guess and knowing who I’m getting myself in contact with,” I said with a shrug. “It’s good to make allies, but dangerous to make have the wrong ones” I explained and looked at him as he sat down on the icy grass. “But how are you going to protect them all?” I asked. “People are disappearing, gone without a trace, not to mention it’s getting cold and it will only get colder,” I said. “you need connections too if you want to really help them” I explained.


“Well I feel like you have something in mind.” He said as he opened his notebook and pulled out a red and green pen. “Whey dont you tell me a little about yourself. I mean you already know im a sad excuse seeing as im an orphan hacker.” He pulled up the hood of his sweat shirt. The air was chilled but Robin didn’t mind the chill was like a rush of adrenaline for him. It reminded him he was alive. “I know people are disappearing and they are easy targets but they have made it through winters before. The older kids pick up jobs here and their I help when I can manage to find a decent back door. However from how you asked you have a plan. You mentioned allies are you propositioning for something?”