Genoster's | 1x1 RP||

Because the Las Levendas rp has been closed @bpalmer and I continue our little romantic duo of Archer and Genosta here.

@sunflower.flow @elixr and @ethereal - you guys wanted to be tagged.

Every post between genosta and archer part 1
Part 2
Part 3

“but if I’m careful, then it won’t be as exciting,” I said with a chuckled whine. “Besides, I can take a hit,” I said showing one of the bruises on my shoulder from earlier today. “And if I was careful, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now, would I” I added.

Part 4

[quote=“Meekepeek, post:214, topic:18765, full:true”]


@bpalmer you can start from here:
Last post:


I giggle as I look at him I knew I had been unsuccessful and in fact had whipped cream on my nose. “Your adorable too.” I say smiling as I wrap my arm around him and lay my head on his shoulder. “Gen Im so glad to have you. Your smile just makes me so happy.” I say as I kiss his cheek and relax against him.
You impress me


I smiled as he embraced me and put his head on my shoulder. I leaned my head against his and returned the hug gently. “I do too” I mumbled softly while smiling. “You’re the only person I’ve ever trusted as much as my mom” I said. “Thank you for being with me” I said before I heard someone beside us clear their throat. “Your recite” The rude girl said. “We didn’t ask for it yet” I said. “Well someone did and we can’t undo it” she just said and pushed the paper in my hand before walking away. “Looks like we’re not wanted here” I said with a sigh before signing the friendly girl. “Here, and make sure that other girl doesn’t get part of your tip” I told her and she nodded. “I apologize for her, she’s not very open minded” She said. “Next time just walk to her and hand her a dull knife, tell her to use it to open her mind a little” I told her before slowly getting up and holding out my hand to Archer. I wasn’t going to be able to help him get up, but just to rub it into the rude girl’s face, I wanted to leave proudly while holding hands.
it wasn’t fun lol


I played with his hair while he had his head leaned against mine. He was so cute and sweet when you got to know him. I had no idea how I had got so lucky. I heard what he said about trust and smiled. “Your the first person in a long time I have even had to be able to trust Gen.” I say as I cuddle in a bit more. “You are welcome and thank you for being with me.” I whisper as I hear someone beside us clear their throat. I sigh as I look up and see who it is. “Yeah we aren’t even done with our coco yet.” I say as I look at her confused and roll my eyes. She just wanted to get rid of us which annoyed me. “Yeah its pretty unfortunate but I would say it is JUST ONE WORKER that doesn’t like us here.” I said part of it really loud so she knew I was talking about her. I took Gen’s hand and stood up. “Yeah lets go.” I said as I wrapped my arm around his waist.


Leaving the restaurant I gave Archer a little squeeze in his hand. “Let them talk and do as they want, we have each other” I tell him with a smile.

We then started walking down the snowy trail until. We arrived at the frozen lake. A little bit away there was an little stall that rented ice skates and next to it seemed to be a medic. Above it, it says magic healer for serious injuries. I nudged Archer and pointed at it. “Who knows, maybe they cab heal my rib” I said.
This is me not wanting to deal with his broken rib and me finding something I wanna use


@bpalmer :innocent:


sorry I had emergency oral surgery im still not doing great but I hope to respond today

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Oh no that’s alright focus on your recovery!
It was just a reminder in case.
I don’t want you to post anything until you feel better!

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I was still a little sour about the whole incident in the restaurant but Gen was calming me down rather quickly. His little had squeeze made me smile and his words brought me out of my own angry thoughts. “You are right we do have each other.” I say as I give his hand a squeeze back.

I was enjoying the snow even though the cold had me pulling my hat down further over my ears and my scarf up more over my nose. The beautiful frozen lake made me forget how cold I was and the fact that I had Gen there with me made me pretty happy. I was lost in my own mind as I gazed over the lake it appeared it had hardly been skated on the ice was so clear and with the mountains behind it everything looked so picturesque. I was jared from my mind when Gen nudged me and my eyes were drawn to where he was looking. I giggled and smiled but even before I heard him speak I knew what he was thinking. “Ok sure we can go try it out but if it is a scam or you get more hurt just know I will be coming back here to give them a piece of my mind.” I say as I push my glassed up on my nose with my gloved hand.


I was just about to ask how you were doing. creepy.

How are you now?


Im ok. I had to go back about four days after my first surgery so that the other doctor in the office could fix what the first guy did because the first guy broke off one of my teeth that was growing into my jaw and he just left all the broken pieces in my gum. It hurt really bad and I was having little pieces of broken tooth push through my gums just on that one tooth so I knew something was wrong. Better now that everything is fixed right though.

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I nodded and smiled while looking at the lake. “I gave up what the world thinks of me a long time ago. It’s not worth spending time on because at the end of the day, there will always be people who prefer if you fail, don’t want you to succeed and go out if their way to show it” I said emotionless before I gave his hand a squeeze and smiled.

I then chuckled as he warned me that he was not going to accept it if it didn’t work. I jokingly booped his nose after he had repositioned his glasses. “I’ll be counting on you, my knight in fluffy wooly armour.” I said jokingly before we made our way towards the tent.

Once inside an friendly elderly lady walked up to me. I am relatively small, but she came even to my chin at most. “Welcome boys, what can I do for you two?” She asked friendly. “We suspect I broke a rib yesterday, but with such a beautiful lake, it would be a shame to be stuck on land. We were wondering what the healing is you use” I explain. “I master in time magic. I can not prevent scarring but I can speed up a small part of a wound and that will heal, you rib will be no different. It will not be completely healed like nothing happened, but it will be healed as it would be in a few weeks if it is broken,” she explains.

I nodded and turned to Arch. “What do you think? Shall we take a chance?” I asked.


Wisdom teeth I assume?
Glad everything is okay now but I can’t believe the first one did that.

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Yeah it was and honestly I couldn’t either and was pretty mad about it

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I can imagine, jeez.
I hope at least the costs are not on you for the second one.
Because we would’ve filed a lawsuit if they did that

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No the second one is not on me or my insurance it is on the insurance of the surgeon I believe. But yeah none to pleased with the first guy second guy was super apologetic and amazing. My mom and I were pretty mad when we had to go back and we definitely told them that if we had anymore problems that’s what we were going to do but in my opinion I think the first guy deserves to be fired. But anyway its late for me so Im going to head to bed Ill reply in the morning. Good night.

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