I love how dramatic he is. He’s like: ”f*ck walking” and BOOM! He’s a bird. I can already say that I’ll like this character!
I feel bad for finding it amusing 
Nimue has her priorities set up and I respect her for that, hah
It gives me ”Mrs. Lovett’s pies” vibes and I’m not sure who to feel about it 
Oh my post is next, naaaah, we ain’t gonna comment on that 
Gaston is a di*khead
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
Again, I love how dramatic this character is! Walking? Nah. Who does that?
Ah, it made me kinda sad. I hope Ares is okay and he’s not cheating on her. Oh, look… what a hypocrite I am 
THANK YOU! Someone sympathizing with Arthur (kinda) 
Oooh, the mystery, the drama 
I can’t pick one part, I love Mikhael 
He and Bill will be a powerful duo! 
DON’T SHIP DON’T SHIP DON’T SHIAAAAAAAAAH! I’m known for shipping my characters with whoever they talk to 
This is gonna be fuuuuuuuuun
Oh my, what did he do??? The curiosity is unbearable!
Ha, I love that
This is so Gothel-like to me! I love that! ”Oh, may I kidnap you so I can pet and sing to your perfect coat for the whole eternity, darling?” 

Also! AHHHH! What did he do?!

I like this character, hah
I love chaotic good characters! Yay!
Yes! Don’t let him get to you, Archer! Be strong!
Oooh, shivers
This might be a bad idea, Archer. Archer, baby… you should never trust men with goatees and with masks
Ohhh, can I give him a hug? Poor, guy!
Haha, hey Bill!
Okay, moving ooooooon
Bill just wanted to be famous but he didn’t know that I was the one writing his story. MUHAHAHAHA
Ohhh, I wonder what will happen now. What he will show him? Ahhhh, intriguing!
Oh, I adore this line!