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I love how dramatic he is. He’s like: ”f*ck walking” and BOOM! He’s a bird. I can already say that I’ll like this character!

I feel bad for finding it amusing :star_struck:
Nimue has her priorities set up and I respect her for that, hah

It gives me ”Mrs. Lovett’s pies” vibes and I’m not sure who to feel about it :no_mouth:

Oh my post is next, naaaah, we ain’t gonna comment on that :star_struck:

Gaston is a di*khead
Thank you for coming to my TED talk


Again, I love how dramatic this character is! Walking? Nah. Who does that?

Ah, it made me kinda sad. I hope Ares is okay and he’s not cheating on her. Oh, look… what a hypocrite I am :star_struck:

THANK YOU! Someone sympathizing with Arthur (kinda) :sneezing_face:

Oooh, the mystery, the drama :eyes:

I can’t pick one part, I love Mikhael :heart_eyes:

He and Bill will be a powerful duo! :triumph:

DON’T SHIP DON’T SHIP DON’T SHIAAAAAAAAAH! I’m known for shipping my characters with whoever they talk to :star_struck:
This is gonna be fuuuuuuuuun

Oh my, what did he do??? The curiosity is unbearable!

Ha, I love that

This is so Gothel-like to me! I love that! ”Oh, may I kidnap you so I can pet and sing to your perfect coat for the whole eternity, darling?” :star_struck:



Also! AHHHH! What did he do?!



I like this character, hah

I love chaotic good characters! Yay!

Yes! Don’t let him get to you, Archer! Be strong!

Oooh, shivers

This might be a bad idea, Archer. Archer, baby… you should never trust men with goatees and with masks

Ohhh, can I give him a hug? Poor, guy!

Haha, hey Bill!

Okay, moving ooooooon

Bill just wanted to be famous but he didn’t know that I was the one writing his story. MUHAHAHAHA

Ohhh, I wonder what will happen now. What he will show him? Ahhhh, intriguing!

Oh, I adore this line!