Leslie Appreciation thread

Hi this is an appreciation to my wifey, my bff @void

Dear Leslie,
You are my flower, my star, my holy cat, my sunshine, my queen, my holy cat, my everything <333 You’re so sweet, kind, cute, adorable, hawt, gorgeous, creative, artistic, talented, selfless, caring, loving, you’re just everything to me. You’re my other half. You’re my partner in crime. I’d do anything for you, just tell me what it is and I’ll do it. Fake Thotty Bitch and Fishy can go f*ck a dumpsterr bc they deserve it. i love it when we’re in Fishy’s tea bahahaha, it makes things so fun lmfaoo. YOU ARE MY FAVORITE EDITOR omgggg, you’re so talented like I can’t evenn!!! You improved so much like you improved a lot and I’m so proud of you <333 Remember, we’re in this together. We may be like 1500 miles apart, but I’m with you no matter what it is. You are my #1, no one could replace you, just no one because you’re unique and precious. I love it when we prank epi guys bahahaha it gets to the point where they get angry lmaooo bahahahaha, but it’s hilarious to see lmao. I CAN’T WAIT TO MEET YOU AGHHHHHHHH like sis I just wanna see you know but wee can’t unfortunately. I’ll show you Lady M, Central Park, Hudson Yards, The World Trade Center, The Statue of Liberty, you name it lmao. It’s gonna be the best day of my entire fricking life. Just 4 more years oooof. I love it when we talk about hawt senior boys cuz like I literally get so fricking excited lmaoo. They gonna carry us to the Rocky Mountains, shirtless, while the senior girls be jealous of us :smirk::smirk::smirk: If you were in my school, I would’ve done adventurous things with youuuuu, it’d be so fun lmaoo, then we go to homecoming as well and do fun stuff there! Whoever hurts you, insults you, does anything bad to you, they will regret what they did to you because I’m gonna hurt them so much and it’s not even funny. When I met you, it was hilarious lmaoooo, you wanted to be a flat earther in my story bahahhahaha I was laughing crazy lmaooo. But meeting you impacted my life significantly <3 I’m always here for you just like you are here for me! And we equally love each other as well lmaoo. You deserve so much recognition btw because you promoted this forums actually a lot and affected others to do it as well :heartbeat: ilysfmmmmm @void, you are better than the universe itself :kiss::love_letter::cupid::gift_heart::sparkling_heart::heartpulse::heartbeat::revolving_hearts::two_hearts::heart_decoration::heavy_heart_exclamation::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::brown_heart::black_heart::white_heart::dizzy:


@nomorekids, @Minneha, @itsnameera, @kyliee, @Problematic_Patrick, @Chocolate_Mama, @Rose


:pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face: you wrote all of this for me??? AWE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BBY :heart::heart::heart: thank you aweeeee this is so sweet :purple_heart: my bestie, other half, wifey, Holy Galaxy, light, love, and queen you’re amazing I appreciate you alot you make me a happier and better person. I don’t know how or what I did to deserve you but I’m happy to have you in my life :pleading_face:

The pleasure is all mine, I enjoy this place more because it has my friends now in it :two_hearts: well more importantly my best friendddd :kissing_heart:
I love talking to you about senior guys or plotting revenge on the dumpster h0es aka we can call them farmtools hehehe

Of course we can leave out fishy on the side to dry out :smirk::heartpulse:
I can’t imagine a future without you, you’re my world, and best half. You’re the only one I can talk to about anything :blush: I can’t wait to see you in person :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:
You’re a beautiful person inside and out, you make me feel like I’m important and like I’m actually someone’s best friend which is very new to me but I’m hoping I could be a good friend like you’re to me :revolving_hearts:

I know the way we met was low-key very strange as in my part being a weirdo but I don’t regret anything because looking now it was actually fcking hilarious :joy:

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Yesss I did :pleading_face::pleading_face: Ilysm2! I really don’t how we became close but I’m glad that we are, I literally feel so confident to have someone so special to me and that is you <3

OMG yasss I’ll find that hawt guy that is in college on insta maybe ok and then when we’re older I can set you up with him hehehehehe!

Honestly samee, it’s gonna be awesome, I bet you’ll be more gorgeoys when I met you, and same here. I feel happier having a best friend who changed my life into something better, I’m no longer alone anymore <3

Bahaha I just found it hilarious lmaoo specially the topic I created lol, but I was at least acted smart bahaha

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Oh my chocolate honestly @void you’re so flipping amazing! So I already know you deserve a thread for a long time! You’re a great person to talk to and a great forum mother :purple_heart::joy: ik we haven’t talked in a while but you’re still in my heart and I still love and care deeply for you.


… That was the cutest thing I’ve ever read xD

These kinds of threads are never unwelcome :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Also I thought it was the most romantic until the senior boys bit. Platonic cuteness is just as welcome here :joy:


Ilysm thank you for being an amazing daughter :pleading_face::heart: I missed you :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:

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Bahaha :joy: thank chu :two_hearts:

at least you knew we were talking about boys, someone thought we were talking about old guys :rofl:


Omg you thought it was romantic lmaoo tysmm tho :heart:


Hey, never know what the future can bring :joy:

Keep up the positive vibes, it’s lovely to see :revolving_hearts:

And yeah, @void I figured you weren’t talking about much older guys. A couple years is a fairly common teenage girl thing, much older is a different, far creepier story >.<


20 is my limit


Thank you! :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: thanks for being the best mother!

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Oh ehehehe we’ll mostly end up as roomiesss I hope lol I don’t want to end up broke lmao

Btw I’m straight bahaha so i don’t get romantic feelings over this lol and Leslie is asexual heteroromantic oop

But thank youu, I’ll create some positivity threads in this forums as well so it can help some people with mental issues :relaxed:


Roomies :eyes: that’s adorable

I figured as much, though I didn’t know Leslie was asexual heteroromantic, interesting :smile:

And of course! I wouldn’t want anyone to feel unwelcome, and positivity is always encouraged! :3


Added the “appreciation” tag. Keep it up! :wink:




:pleading_face: thANk yOU :heart: I love you so much too :two_hearts::heart::revolving_hearts: THANK YOU FOR BEING AN AMAZING BEAUTIFUL DAUGHTER meow meow meow


bump <3


@void oml i don’t even know where to begin-

we were both added to the same chat, and we bonded over our love for alec benjamin. (ofc, no one loves him as much as you)
we started talking more and more and you’re literally the best forums father/twin that i could ever ask for. you don’t give yourself enough credit for making everyone’s lives better. you deserve the world. tysm and ily :two_hearts::sneezing_face:


O.o NaMeERA ilysm Okie
You’re the best twin I could ever imagine having and daughter :pleading_face: thank you for being so amazing and sweet also protective over my dumb butt. :heart::heart::heart:

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Let’s show some appreciation for @void! :tada::white_heart: