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BAN :angry:

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I AM LEADER :angry:
I WILL BAN :angry:


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i will unban :wink:

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wut why :pleading_face:

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well because i did not want to force you into a friendship that you might not have wanted to be in

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why u thnk i dont wnt u as fren?

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because i donut remember you specifically saying that you were my fren

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but i wanna be fren

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okay, then you’re officially my fren

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am i ur fren?

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:open_mouth: :astonished: :smiley: :grin:
yay!!! thenkkkk

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Discobot I’ve come here to ask for your guidance

@Discobot okay i actually forgot the commands cri

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

thank you sir

@discobot roll 1d2

1 being fling, 2 being date?

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:game_die: 2