Out of all things, worldbuilding is my favorite thing to do. I actually got this idea from @CrazyCaliope’s Flesh Out Your RP Characters thread and that one post from a NaNoWriMo FB Group. If you want to flesh out your characters, too, make sure to give Cali’s thread a visit! It’s awesome there as well.
So this thread will basically work like Cali’s thread where there will be questions asked to help you with your worldbuilding. Questions like “what’s your world’s currency/ies?” or “what are the races that coexist in your world?” You can also ask your own questions, but make sure it’s formatted the same as how I format it so it will look neat!
Some Things to Put in Mind before Participating…
You should introduce your world, saying its name and anything else you want to add. You can also make a small description to start off, or a reference picture to help us picture it!
You can join in anytime you want and answer any of the questions you want, but I recommend answering all of them!
If you want to ask your own question, please format it in the same way I format it (use ## before the question you don’t need to put a number and color it not a gradient).
You can comment on other worlds in building, but remember to not stray ^~^
Just putting this here because number five is a perfect number. Anyway, good luck with worldbuilding, @Writers!
Hey, guys! So sorry for almost a month’s worth of no updates. Had something big to deal with and completely forgot about this! I’m eager to continue this, though, and I’m gonna post a new question every week or so, but just asking if anyone’s actually interested in this, @Writers?
World: Heerix (also known as the Realm of the Forgotten)
Joined council from different species and tribes in a parliamentary representative democracy.
The world is known as the Realm of the Forgotten because many years ago it was connected to different realms but as time passed the connection between these worlds began to fade until it was completely dissolved. No one knows what caused the fading but now Heerix is only known as a mere folks-legend and called the Realm of the Forgotten by the other worlds while in Heerix the existence of the other worlds are kept alive in the hope to one day reconnect.
Hmmm, how many worlds do I make ;-;
Oh, UM, I’ll do a world.
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Name: Valiance is the true name of the world. It’s only used by the government heads, when singing the national anthem, or in scientific discoveries. Commoners or lower classmen typically call it The Valy.