Let's Complain About... The Lockdown!

Ya tried cutting it? :joy:

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:joy: I’m dyspraxic as hell and I’d probably somehow end up with a bald patch


Grow it out to the side and become emo again


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Fair enough.
I always cut my fringe, so I’m used to it, but still find manoeuvring my right hand backwards a slight bit tricky lol


I want to go hiking and my brother keeps posting pictures of how he can go hiking (alone or with his boyfriend) because he lives right next to a not-yet closed set of hiking trails in the western US :sob:

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First, school is being so overwhelming!!
We get assigned so much more work than we normally get and they don’t.give.any.breaks. :expressionless:
I personally, am not doing any work anymore. Miss me with that.
And school itself has always been this thing that has been keeping me in check.
I had a reason to wake up early.
I had a reason to go to bed early.
I was productive, organized.
I had my sleeping schedule in check, there was a phase where I was going to bed around 5AM and waking up at 4PM.
I can’t go to my psychiatrist anymore since welp. L O C K D O W N.
I wan’t things to go back to the way they used to… Stuff was clear back then.

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Speaking facts. Also, I can relate to the last 2.

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I am extremely bored and I was planning on cutting my hair because its damaged the same day that lockdown was announced so now I have to wait for month and a half. :weary:

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I miss my friends, especially my best friend. But other than that I don’t really care about the lockdown :sweat_smile:

I actually like staying home :smiley:

I miss my friends, and I’m getting so fed up with my family. I don’t hate them, but it’s tiring when you’re around them 24/7. My mum still works, though. :thinking::white_heart:

Not to mention how tired I feel. :pensive::white_heart:

Ugh, it was annoying when my whole family was at home all day everyday for about two months. Thankfully I go to work every day now and my mom was at our summerhouse for two weeks so I was at home alone and at home with my sister since she went back and forth between the apartment and summer house.

Are you still in lockdown?

Honestly, I really miss the lockdown. As someone that’s not social, being forced to stay inside was so refreshing and peaceful haha
Right now, restaurants and cafes have to close at 11 pm which I love because I can go home earlier and relax and be alone. I genuinely love it, could live like that forever.

We’re only in partial lockdown right now. Restaurants are open but there are a limited amount of people that can be in there, and tables that are close together are blocked off so that people sit far away from others.
A lot of stores are only letting one or two customers in at a time.
School will start online, but where I work, all teachers will go to school to give our classes via Google Meet, and students will connect with us from their homes.

I like partial lockdown better because it reduces the crowds, but you can still go shopping and not have to be stuck inside your house all day, every day.

bruh I’m so bored and my life feels like a mush rn but still gotta stay in lockdown…

I’ll just allow myself to complain since we’re going on bloody second (or third? I think third) lockdown because people here are stupid and I’m already sick of this sh!t

Ngl I want another lockdown but only because I’m sick of my work

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a kid at my school and a priest at the school’s parish got covid but we’re still not doing lockdown :hot_face:

shelly what have you done–

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