Let's read my cringe childhood blogposts!


So before I even give out the link let me state. I WAS 11 YEARS OLD CUT ME SOME SLACK! So I recently found my old blog from 2012 where I was writing inspirational quotes and paragraphs-

I’ve been supportive since 2012 let’s gooo. I just made this thread to share and discuss and have a laugh because it’s honestly hilarious. Give me some feedback! Or how you feel after reading it. :wink:

Link: http://theamazingpink.blogspot.com/

Fun Fact: I kinda hate pink now, Ironically.



Oh boy. Here we go. You saw my ninth grade poem, right?

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Oh, this is on Blogger! I was thinking of making a queer advice column

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Ok, no, Blogspot. What’s the difference?

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I’d love to read it! And I have not~

I feel so old-

It used to be called blogspot what-

Pretty sure it’s still all under the same domain, Just changed the name.

Angsty fifteen year old me. Still angsty four years later.



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Sorry if you can’t read my handwriting

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It also should be “whatever you do”

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Gives me Avril Lavinge vibes

Uh, thanks?

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I love your blog posts because they’re so positive and inspiring. Many people, especially during their preteen years, tend to write more angsty stuff in their diaries or digital platforms, but I love how the purpose of your blog was to inspire people to do the right thing.
I also love your special note. :sunflower: :sunflower: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:


cough ME cough

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Yeah! But sometimes we totally need to rant, especially when things aren’t going well in our lives.

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Exactly. I had a lot to write about referring to angst…

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Haha Thanks! I guess 11 year old me accomplished something. I think the irony is that I wasn’t happy at this time. I grew up with a dysfunctional family and competitive nature alongside emotional neglect/abuse. And whilst I did act out later on in life I didn’t at this time which inspired me more to not be affected by what was happening at that time.


I think its really cute!

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Hehe Thanks!!!

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