Let's Talk About Interracial Relationships and Mixed Kids


Deep breaths. This is a topic that has always been super close to my life and my experiences and matters to me a great deal. Interracial relationships and mixed children. I have a lot to say on the matter, and I would love to hear everyone’s points of view for a good few reasons.

My Reasons

For one, I am the product of an interracial relationship. I am mixed race. And for my whole life, I have suffered a bunch of hardships for it. For one, I never really felt like I fit in anywhere. My Indian extended family was particularly bad at accepting me and it got to the point where hugging me in public or taking me to a wedding became a political statement in my family. The act of being seen with me outside and not being ashamed? Well that was a big F U to a bunch of people and my nan did that when I was a baby.

But on my black side of the family, I never really experienced any hatred, resentment or judgment for who I was. That ended up causing a lot of issues for me where I tried to actively identify with my Indian side and took my black side for granted as a young teenager and that mentality took a long time to get past that and fall in love with being half black. That’s because I was actively discouraged from identifying with my black side and I was humiliated by my Indian extended family for being half black. Whereas on my black side, no one had a problem with me being Indian. In fact, they embraced and adored it!

So it caused me a lot of issues.

But the main reason I found it such an interesting topic and one I needed to cover at some point was because I’m starting to notice a lot of resentment from the black community – in particular, sadly, women – who have a problem with the fact that my father dated outside of the race. That my mother and my current step mum are non-black. And also that my mix gives me lighter skin. I wanted to cover that a little bit.

I watched the following video and it reminded me of how much I was astounded by the number of black women who are completely against dating a non-black person, whether white or Asian or a native or Hispanic or anyone else. In fact, not just were they often against themselves dating outside of their race, but they were often also judgmental of me dating outside of my race – because they consider me to be black.

Frankly, I can’t understand it. I struggle to understand not wanting to date people outside of your own race. If you find someone attractive, why should it matter what their race is? And if you don’t find them attractive, I think it’s racist to blame their race for that. There might be a correlation – there might be a race of people who are usually more attractive to you, but for you to think a whole race is unattractive when all its members look different? That’s a problem to me and people need to stop viewing their romantic prospects by their race, in my opinion, and view them as damn individuals.

But I could be wrong! There could be many reasons why people date in their race only. But let me break down a few I disagree with:

  • We just have different cultures – Race does not dictate culture. I am a tea-drinking, posh(ish) London accent-speaking, cynical, sarcastic Brit through and through and I will always identify with my fellow Brits more than Indian or Jamaican people. This is where I where I was born, where I grew up and the country I am loyal to. My culture is mostly the same as my English friends.

  • I’m loyal to my race – There are good and bad people in every race. We need to stop dividing ourselves based on arbitrary lines that don’t even matter. Race is not as easy as we make it out to be because it’s so fluid. The way we classify race is unscientific. So loyalty to a made up group when you don’t even know if you have anything in common with every single one of them except how you look? Superficial and ridiculous. Be loyal to you and find someone who is compatible.

  • I just don’t find ___ attractive – as I said before, nothing wrong with finding out that you usually date a certain race. There is something very racist about blaming someone’s unattractiveness on their race or writing off a whole group of people based on a few experiences. There is also something probaby racist about fixating on race in your dating prospects instead of their personality and individual looks. You don’t have to ever date a black person in your life to not be racist. You just, in my opinion, have to not blame their blackness for the fact that you’re not attracted to them, and not fixate on their race. Most of the people I date and am attracted to are white, but that doesn’t mean I “only date white people”. I only date people I’m compatible with physcially, culturally, mentally and emotionally. It doesn’t matter what their race is. I just happened to find compatible people who were white. Although saying that, I’ve dated a few Southeast Asian people, too!

But I have some questions for people, if I haven’t scared you off (sorry – I needed to vent):

  • Have you ever been in an interracial relationship?
  • Does race matter to you? If so, why?
  • What are your opinions on interracial relationships?

Please help me restore my faith in humanity!

Me working out the races and/or ethnicities of all of my crushes throughout my life

This is quite an interesting exercise

  • Indian
  • Black
  • Indian
  • White
  • White
  • Lebanese
  • Spanish
  • Bolivian
  • Half-Japanese, half-Scottish
  • White
  • Bangladeshi
  • Black
  • Italian
  • White
  • Half-Japanese, Half-Black
  • Brazilian
  • French
  • English
  • Irish
  • Mixed white and black
  • White
  • White
  • Japanese
  • Mixed white and black
  • Irish
  • @ChaoticDeluge (transparent)

Ok my dating preferences are a lot more diverse than I thought :joy:


I didn’t know people cared so much about that… I’m surprised! It’s 2019- almost 2020! Why do we need to care so much about it? I don’t care what the person’s race is, but I definitely have a preference. My grandparents are in an interracial relationship and no one had a problem with that as far as I know.


Not really but in my life I’ve only dated 3 people so I don’t have much experience

Not really I can find people hot regardless of race or skin colour, in the words of Brendon Urie “if a dudes hot a dudes hot” it doesn’t matter to me.

Love is love, as long as both people are happy and it’s a healthy relationship there’s nothing wrong with it. Nothing at all.


I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve had way too many crushes in my life :joy:


I mean, same and I’m a teenager.


To be honest, most of them were when I was a teenager. I just had a crush on so many people then! It’s kinda settled down since I turned 20


I once crushed on a cartoon character


Was it Ben 10? I had a crush on Ben 10. We could have a very cute interracial relationship :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh my goodness he was cute :heart_eyes:

It wasn’t him but now it is


I’ve had so many anime crushes, as well! I mean, Uraraka from My Hero Academia? Todoroki? I would. All of them


Not our fault they look so good :joy:




They’re also fictional :joy:


So I’m a… fictophile?




I’m currently in one now!

Not in the slightest

I mean, the one I’m in now is the happiest relationship of my life, so I only really have good things to say about that.

So, as a dude, I’ve been on the receiving end of a bit of hate for this actually. I dated a Japanese girl for about 8 months when I was 17. She was wonderful, and lovely, and we were fairly compatible and had similar interests and tastes, etc. etc. it was nice.

But during the relationship and afterward, because I’m a white guy dating a Japanese girl, I’d get some pretty horrendous accusations thrown at me. Insults thrown at her too, like ‘how much was she’ that kinda thing. Mostly I’d get accused of fetishising east-Asian women because that’s quite a prevalent issue. I also frequently got accused of having a dangerous ‘Japanese schoolgirl complex’. Can I just say, she was short but she was not a petite girl. I do not know where people got that idea.

So yeah, interracial relationships are still plagued with problems. In my current relationship I haven’t faced any of those issues thus far. If anything it’s been culturally enriching


Well, not exactly, I don’t have crushes often. In fact, at 14, I’m currently experiencing my first one right now- XD
So, no, I have never even been in a relation ship, but I’m crushing on a colored person. And I’m from the opposite race.

Nope, not at all. Honestly, I don’t get why it matters so much to people. We are all humans, colored skin or not, it really doesn’t affect how I treat/see people.

If you are attracted to someone, no matter the race/culture they come from, go for it. I don’t see the problem with it. Not at all.


I have to admit there are cultural struggles. As a mixed Brit, I think I find it easier to understand your family dynamics than you do my Indian ones


I mean, where I’m from nobody judges anyone about it. A lot of people at my school either are in interracial relationships or they know people that are.