Limelight Outfit & Character Catalog by LameCast
Sorry, but this is NOT a request thread
These are pre-made outfits and characters that are grab and go.
You may or may not find what you need, but it’s worth a shot!
Thank you and enjoy!
Just Keep Swimming PT.1
Swimsuits, pool outfits, beach get ups, when you’re gunna get wet wear, splish splash fashion, etc.
A Modest Approach PT.1
Some modest outfits for Muslim characters! I used my friends as references since they all have very different styles.
Please let me know if any of these are inappropriate
FYI: I know I’m using the patterned suit A LOT, but the different colors allow me to play around a bit.
It’s allowed!
Not only allowed, but very cool
A little not with the Muslim outfits, don’t only put the latex pants on us for pants. It’s fine if you use it if they’re wearing a skirt but for regular pants is inappropriate since its tight and that’s not the modest way for Muslim women.
And don’t be afraid to spice up the outfits when it comes to modesty! Add a few accessories, mix and match some things. Experiment with the clothing. I have here you can use as a reference and others will be able to use too.
Cool beans! Thank you both!
Thank you for this!
Just to be clear, the latex/spandex material with skirts only?
Any chance you can check the swimming catalog please? I placed some modest swimwear there
I’ll tweak some of the outfits and add more accessories soon! Thank you again
The swimming catalog is fine! The swimsuits were nice.
And I only say use the latex with skirts because Episode doesn’t really have a lot of leggings. Same with the other leggings too. Only for skirts.
Ok great! They were a hassle and a half to create Everything kept exposing their neck/shoulders.
Ok gotcha, can I PM you?
Just so you know, we don’t always need to wear long sleeves up to the wrist. It matters by the individual and what denomination they are from. Otherwise, we do wear short sleeves and mid sleeves as well. Just not tank tops and stuff.
These outfits are super cute
Thank you!
Nice thread! I will use some of these.