Looking back on pieces you wrote years ago

When I was a kid I used to write little stories all the time, I can think back to them now and be like “that was a fun plot” but obviously as a child I couldn’t develop them as much as I could now.

@Discussions what do you usually think when you look at old work?


Usually I just cringe at how terrible it was, well, if it’s like something from 5 years ago. If it really is something from my childhood it’s pretty cute to look back at it… I have a full box of things I made as a kid, including art but also a lot of little stories I created. I am sort of jealous of the creativity I had as a kid, cause I am not really anymore…


I laugh my ass off, that’s what I think of when I look at my old work. But, all of my projects had a little something that made them interesting. I’m eventually building up to create something really impactful someday. Likely with much feedback and help from friends.

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I looked at something I wrote like 3-4 years ago or something and it was really good (also a FanFic). I was sad that I didn’t finish what I had written but it was good :sweat_smile:
But it wasn’t my first ever piece of writing. I’m sure it would be bad but also good but I don’t know :sweat_smile:

I kind of think my younger self was a better writer then me, just by looking back at what I have written. Probably not the point of this thread, but it is worth mentioning

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You can still rewrite and finish it~ (totally not a creepy whisper)

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I wrote it in a tiny book thing so it seems longer than it actually is. I tried to type up a chapter or two and like a chapter that was 5 pages or something in the book wasn’t even a page on Google docs :sweat_smile:

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Have you ever played minecraft? Think of that tiny little page like the entrance of cave from which you will dig and mine for diamonds. :eyes:

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Ooo an analogy~

You’re totally right :sweat_smile: thanks michi

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A couple of weeks ago, I looked at 2 of my older stories on Episode, one of them was my first story, Cruelty of Ice. The story was terrible… I’m so happy I archived it. But at the same time, my writing improved tenfold.

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Yikes. That’d be a bit cringey.

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when I read my old stories I laugh at my mistakes,but it’s fun looking at my old stories


In sixth grade, I was working on a story in English class often. It was about a princess who would be married to a rich do*che, and she falls in love with a village boy who’s a peasant. I didn’t get to finish it and I left off at the part where she was finding out about the arranged marriage. It was getting so GOOOD. but this was all towards the end of the school year, and I have no idea where my mom put the stuff. :sob:


I only write for rps and I… just can’t go back and read that. I think it’s cringy

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