Lucid Dreaming ✨

Lucid Dreaming is a state wherein you are aware that you are dreaming. You are conscious about your thoughts and feelings while you are in this state. During a lucid dream, the dreamer can sometimes take control of the event that is happening—the scenes, characters, the environment.

Lucid Dreaming for me has always been an interesting topic. I used to always experience this, but not much today anymore. I liked experiencing it because I could take control of what goes in my dream :eyes: but sometimes I don’t, because there’s this weird feeling in my eyes when I realize I’m in a dream.

  • Have you experienced or are experiencing lucid dreaming?
  • If yes, can you tell us about your experience with it?
  • Do you want to try it? What do you think are ways to be able to experience it?
  • What are your thoughts on lucid dreaming?

I think it’d be cool.

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the scientific ideas about why this happens sounds pretty cool :thinking:


I have them occasionally! I had one a few days ago. I can fly in my lucid dreams quite easily but can’t always control things. Usually my first instinct in a lucid dream is to try to wake up. You’d think there’d be a lot to do but when I do have lucid dreams they aren’t very real or vivid. It’s hard to do stuff because I always feel as if I’m only 50% into the actual dream environment. I can’t feel anything, touch anything, or say anything and actually like say it (like I can talk but like I don’t think about saying things, in the dream storyline I sometimes say things but not often- it’s like I’m the narrator/a background character). And then it’s hard to stay lucid because sometimes the dream diverges to the point where I’m not in it at all and I’m just watching other characters and then I forget that I’m actually dreaming. And then other times the dream breaks and I’m either left trapped in my house or something (like usually standing next to a wall) or in complete darkness. So yeah it’s interesting.
So yeah because I don’t feel fully in control in my lucid dreams usually I don’t know what to do. So that’s why my first instinct is to try to get out of it ig. I don’t go into that full awareness that everything around me is fake, but I just kinda know that I’m in a dream. Usually what I do with that information is nothing and just experience the dream knowing some aspects are fake.
But sometimes I remember to do things. Like sometimes I fly, and then other times I call out to spirits (that’s pretty cool cuz out of the two times I’ve done it, they’ve shown up in some way).


Yes, like most of the time. Not all of my dreams are lucid, though. But majority of them are extremely vivid, and I can still perfectly recall some of them. I sometimes even confuse my dreams as a blurry memory.

It feels like being inside a virtual reality. My dreams tend to be extremely vivid up to the point where I no longer tell whether it’s a dream or not. I can feel all sorts of sensations while dreaming. Every pain, every touch, every scent, and every taste. Even though the events are fantastical and unrealistic, my mind still wires me to believe all of them because of how vivid they are.

You can actually self-induce lucid dreaming, but it takes a lot of practice before you can achieve full lucidity. There are Youtube tutorials about that, but only a few of them are effective. I once tried to induce a lucid dream in myself before, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as my naturally-occurring dreams.

I see lucid dreaming as a way to escape reality. You can create and encounter many different possibilities in your dreams, and there are definitely no limitations to it. I had plenty of life-changing dreams before, and it left a significant impact in my real life.


I wanna try this so bad but idk how to do it :pleading_face::sob:

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That’s so cool :pleading_face:

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There are different guides on how to do it :eyes:


Unfortunately, I’ve only experienced it once, and I didn’t even have full controll :sob: My dreams are usually super weird and they only make sense inside my dreams


I can actually lucid dream whenever I want to, the only problem is that sometimes I get too aware and I do something that I regretted and I try to go back and rewind but it confuses me and I start to wake up, I also sometimes decide to dream conversations with people that I know in real life, days after I would ask the actual person if they remember and they say no- that’s when I remember I dreamt it and it didn’t actually happen.

I also remember dreams so vividly that weeks after I had a certain dream, I dream about it again and I pick up where I left off, it’s like a continuation of the dream I didn’t get to finish because I woke up


YESSS :star_struck: Sometimes I did it on purpose, but I forgot how to do it now- :pleading_face:

It’s pretty fun, but it sort of depends on how you react to it.
Sometimes I’m aware I’m dreaming, but at the same time I’m not? If that makes sense-
Other times, I’m fully aware and I can control my dreams. But then there are times where I’m too aware so I try to wake myself up and end up with sleep paralysis-

You just

r e a l i s e

It’s pretty cool :star_struck:


I hadn’t had one of these in months. :eyes: I love lucid dreams. :sob:


Eh, it happens every day…

It’s sometimes boring…

I don’t know any ways to be able to experience it, it just came to me naturally.

Rad :sunglasses:



Did you guys know that you can actually use lucid dreams as a tool to solve problems? Like- your brain will treat the things that happen in your dreams and the things that happen in real life almost the same! SO like if I were to deal with my emetophobia in my dreams and work on it there then it would be similar to me working on it IRL.

Rn I’m looking into getting more lucid dreams! The first thing I’ve been doing is just recording my dreams. If you don’t have good dream recall then you’re not gonna have lucid dreams. I’m reading a book about it and it says to have at least twelve dreams down before you start trying to lucid dream.
I’m pretty good at remembering at least one dream per night (or bits and pieces of one) and I already have lucid dreams occasionally.
It usually happens more so for me in the morning when I’m really tired and trying to wake up, then I don’t and I end up lucid dreaming because I dream that I am getting out of bed. I get out of bed in the dream but not IRL and that makes me question if I’m dreaming or not so I test it and turns out I’m dreaming lol. Happened to me this morning.
I was so excited in the dream that I walked to my kitchen and tried this out where I tried to spawn in grass and it worked! I made grass grow out of a tile in the floor. That’s all i could do tho. I also paid attention to how things made me feel, what I saw and what I felt and I felt surprised that i could feel the floor and touch things!
Anyway it’s pretty cool and you can get it to a place where you can control when you get lucid dreams and what happens in them!


In all my lucid dreams, I didn’t have much control except 1.


I didn’t have much control in any except 1 and I kept switching POVs

I didn’t do any on purpose, but sometimes I wake and go back to sleep about 20 minutes later, and that’s Wake Back To Bed for all of my lucid dreams. I have no clue how some lucid dreams are more vivid then others.

It’s great! I still can’t fly or teleport though. :cry: I’m working on it!

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Yes, twice.

One, I worked at this really cool-Looking office. The office was part of a story I was making, and so were some of the characters. I had encountered this creepy guy who offered me pizza and I dropped the pizza on the ground. Then everyone in my dream started saying that I was a bish for doing that.

I have tried the Wake Back To Bed thing, but the dreams I have when I go back to bed aren’t vivid at all. And I keep forgetting my dreams almost instantly when I wake up.

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