Luck in your life

Let’s have a discussion about the role luck plays in our lives!

Do you think luck plays a part in your life?
Are you generally lucky or unlucky?

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Well, I probably shouldn’t be alive now, so…I actually consider myself to be unlucky, despite beating the odds.

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Should I make a thread telling my story? I’m perfectly willing if people want it.

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Definitely! There are some things that you could’t control and you just have to let fate decide.

Unlucky, but not that much.



I used to be very lucky, for the majority of my life things have gone my way and even the bad things ended without having much of an impact on me, but lately I think my luck has run out or I have to catch up on that :sweat_smile:

still I do believe that as long as you don’t take little bits of luck / being fortunate about something for granted and appriciate them at least from time to time, there’s nothing wrong with it.


Honestly, I don’t really believe in luck. Things just happen based on what we all do.

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I don’t really believe in that, things just happen :woman_shrugging:t2:

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