'Main Characters' in RPs?

The word ‘main character’ isn’t used a ot in the context of RPs due to the number of different influences from different characters, but do you think main characters exist in RPs? Are they the most detailed characters, the most helpful, the most active? What are your opinions on ‘chosen ones’ or prophecies?


I don’t think there’s a specific MC

I think your characters are your own MCs, because you obviously have to pay the most attention to them, so they become important characters to you in the roleplay.


Depends on the rp tho

On an overall scale, RPs don’t really have main characters. Some RPs that are very plot centered, may have a main character or two that the RP owner typically creates and owns because that character is crucial to the plot, and used as a way of moving the plot forward. Most however, are not that case. The closest would be some characters that have involvement within individual plots and planning with many of the other RP characters. That character could be called a main character due to their importance and involvement with many others. However that is more on an individual scale, not the RP as a whole.

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added the #characters tag

I think sometimes there can be.
Sometimes the whole rp revolves around one character, dead or alive.

I like this as well, just like we’re all the mc of our own life, the same can be said about our characters. it all depends through whose eyes you see the story

@RPers what do you guys think? :thinking:

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Yeah, there’s no specific MC

I think the ‘main character’ if there even was one, which there often isn’t, is the character that people talk to the most. The one who’s always around when people need it. But because having a character in every place at once is near impossible, I usually make a whole armada of characters to fight talk to and aid the other characters in their journeys.

‘Chosen Ones’ and prophecies have never really worked for me in RPs. Stuff gets too complicated and plots can easily be messed up by careless RPers, sadly. I’m not saying everyone is like this, because obviously they aren’t.

@RPers what do you bunch think?


There are no “Main Characters” in RPs…
Unless it’s a 1x1 RP where someone has to save the world or smth…


I think there may be main characters in RPs. If it’s a story-driven one, characters who are more connected to the plot may become main characters


Or just 1x1s in general, no matter the plot, 'cause there’s usually only two main characters in it anyway.

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As I said before, for most RPs, the closest there could be to there being a main character, or more likely a few main characters, would be the characters with the most individual plots and relationships with other characters. The more well developed these are, the more a character can feel like a main character, because more RPers can become invested in that character. More plans between characters can make them feel more important.

If the RPers are doing things right, and are truly invested in the RP, then there won’t be one “main character”, there will be a group of “main characters”. The characters that nobody could imagine the RP without, that everyone (whether they read every post or not) knows about and is invested in. Using Blue Royalty for example, there were some characters made by many of us that whether through the creator being inactive, a lack of plotting or use, or any number of reasons, didn’t feel as significant to us all, but there was a selection of characters that we all could see as important to the RP, ones who if the RP were made into a book or tv show, would be main character material.