Major film turn offs

What is something that turns you away from certain movies. For me it’s lack of plot and bad direction, so just any bad movie really :joy: but I’m not picky. What about you?


16 year-olds acting like they’re 30. So basically any high-school rom com on Netflix :joy_cat:


Please, no. That is disgusting, nasty, and gross. I eat during a movie and it totally ruins my appetite. There should be a warning for those types of scenes. And no, it isn’t necessary to describe the vomit or what the person was eating, either. That’s just as bad. Just show the person running to the bathroom, or have them look like they’re about to throw up, and then cut to the expressions of the onlookers.

Also, very explicit sexual act references. I don’t feel uncomfortable during romantic scenes that aren’t too explicit. But once they start showing or describing extremely detailed sexual acts… then NO.


When you can already predict what’s going to happen in the movie and it actually happens. Annoying af. :v:t4:


Rip, sometimes just film quality annoys me, especially if the movie is old

I have other ones but can’t think rn :joy:

I agree. This is the main reason i can’t watch new movies. For fear that a vomit scene is gonna pop up and i won’t have time to close my eyes.

I also hate cliches

Yes, it ruins my appetite and takes about 24 hours to recover

30-year-olds playing 16-year-olds. So basically any highschool movie ever.

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The “strong female character” who “kicks ass” all movie long but has to be saved by the male main characters at the end. :face_vomiting:


Kiss or s*x scenes, idk why but I find it disgusting to see people kiss in a movie :eyes::eyes::eyes::green_heart::no_mouth:

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Lolllll 144p quality movies. :joy:


Lol what is that quality? I have no idea

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Nvmm it’s the lowest, most pixelated quality on YouTube.

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Oh ripp, yeah, but like, I don’t even mean pixelated, like idk, older movies just look different than newer ones

-characters are boring
-directing has to amaze me. periodt. ima simple girl, i want pretty lights
-female protagonist is strong by male definition more than female
-LACK OF FASHION SENSE. oml i hate watching late 00s stuff cos of that lol no tea no shade
-quirky stereotype characters
-bad opening scenes
-Plot B’s. i want focus, do you think plot A wasn’t strong enough on it’s own?


No chemistry between characters…

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I don’t like it when they take forever to start the film :expressionless:
I mean, yeah I get that you like to show who’s starring in this film but you could do that in 3 minutes :upside_down_face:

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Just when the plot is really slow, like nothing happens until the last 20 minutes

I don’t like it if everyone is happy all the time :eyes:

When they show an interesting scene at the beginning and then interrupt it with the film intro and you have to watch all the boring stuff before you finally see the scene it started with andit turns out to have a boring ending :expressionless::green_heart::eyes::sparkles:

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