Make yourself in The Sims

Make yourself in The Sims

Have you ever made a Sim of yourself? Created a character that not only looks like you and dresses like you but has the same traits? If you have, feel free to share it with us and if you haven’t you can do it with me now!

1. Features
A little disclaimer, I like to use a lot of custom content to make my characters more realistic!
I started with the shape of my face and my features. I even had a mirror in front of me because I wanted to try my best hahah
One of my favorite things is to play with hair and make-up; I always part my hair to one side and wear fake eyelashes so I wanted to add that. I also made sure to add a dimple on my left cheek because I do have it!


2. Clothes
Honestly, my favorite part!
I tried to find something I actually have in my closet and wear regularly. I always, always wear Converse so of course, my sim had to wear them too hihi.
I also gave myself another look, something girly I’d wear on special occasions.


3. Traits
Last but not least. To really turn yourself into a sim you have to think about traits and aspirations!
I had trouble picking my aspiration because most of them fit me and what I want. I thought about picking one of the creativity or family aspirations because I do want a happy family, family matters to me but I ended up picking Fabulously wealthy. I have high hopes and I want to be successful one day, I want to have my own business and do what I love to do so I thought that was the best option.
It was also hard picking traits. Three was not enough for me but I managed to do it. I knew right away what my first trait would be - loner. “These Sims become happy when alone, do not receive negative moodlets when their social need is low, become tense around strangers, and become embarrassed more often by social rejection.” And honestly, there is nothing that fits me better! I like my alone time and as bad as it sounds, I don’t like going out and seeing people.
My second trait is good and I think it’s rather self-explanatory.
But my third? It was hard to pick because I’m active, ambitious, perfectionist, art lover… In the end I chose child of the ocean. “Sims with this trait will prefer water related activities and feel closer to denizens of the sea.” I love the ocean. I love water, it brings me peace and I could spend hours just staring at it.

Now it’s your turn! Share your Sim!


Love it she really does look like you


She’s a bit weird but I guess it’s close!


Damn! How do you have your sim looking so good?


CC and mods, I believe, haha.

She (you, I guess) looks (look) beautiful!!! :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Everytime i create a new story, i add me as a sim all the time :rofl:

Pics coming soon


I mainly create my story characters on Sims :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m a bit of a CC and mod hoarder :joy:


Thank youu :innocent: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


I mean… :thinking:
Honestly, it looks like a more matured version of me.


I edited the pictures a little bit. Because the quality… :weary:


I finally learned how to use mods, bro. Customizing the face is my favorite part.



  • Computer Whiz
  • Geek
  • Self-assured

I like doing that sometimes! It can give some weird but cool combinations :nerd_face:

It’s so cute seeing Sim versions of our beautiful users :pleading_face:

I love it so much!! Did you pick traits that fit you? :eyes:

Yay! I also love that, I spend way too much time on that haha


Now I really want to download the Sims!
I used to play the Freeplay Mobile version, but I don’t like it because the stories are all pre-told, and it just feels like going through the motions.
Which version of the Sims is the best?


Ooh right. Yes,

  • Cheerful
  • Creative
  • Outgoing

I believe…

Thank you! :pleading_face::relieved:

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I feel the same way, I used to play that all the time!
I’ve only had The Sims 4 so I’m not sure, I think that one is the best? :thinking:

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Sims 3 is what a lot of people prefer, but it takes a very good computer to run without lag also the graphics are outdated. Sims 4 is what you see people making up there ^^


Nothing is as rad as sims 4


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