Making friends in school

This is a thread to talk about something many of us struggle with and that’s making friends in school.

I know some of you are headed back to school, maybe it’s your first day and you wanna find people you can hang out with. This is all rad and I wish you the best of luck.

I wish I could give you some kind of advice but I suck at making friends in real life :joy: so other than “be yourself” I don’t have much else I can tell you. Here are some questions:

  1. Do you struggle making friends?
  2. Did you struggle making friends at school?
  3. Did you struggle keeping those friendships?
  4. What advice would you give people about making friends in school?




You have to talk to people :eyes:

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Luckily, but strangely, I didn’t have trouble making friends in school! I know I was nervous when I first started high school because I’m shy and not talkative, but I got the best classmates and on my first day I met this girl that is now one of my very good friends, even if don’t talk that often now! And I was always that one girl who preferred boy friends so I tried to be friendly with them all and they were such sweethearts. I got myself a good group of friends in high school and we were all so close, I love them all very much. (It’s different here! You have your own classmates, your own group of students that you have all of your classes with. They don’t change!)

Starting the Academy was a different story! People there are so different and unique that it makes you feel immediately welcomed! Plus before I started, I was taking some classes (because I had to, it’s the whole process if you want to get a better chance of getting accepted) and then met the girls that are studying with me now!

Normally I do but I guess it depends on the other person, if they make me comfortable or not. That’s very important to me.

Yes! I’m really bad at keeping friendships and talking to people because I enjoy my alone time way too much. I’m just happy they are not bat at that.

No advice from me! I’m shy so I wouldn’t know!
The only thing I can say is be you! You want real friends, friends that love you for who you are.

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Oh yes


Don’t .

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Not really :partying_face:

Not really :partying_face:

It differs :woman_shrugging:t2:

Be yourself.

What I have to say is that I’m pretty introverted and never go out to make friends. I’m cool with not making any friends because I have several really good friends that I know that I’ll never lose. However, since I’m pretty shy and quiet around strangers other shy people tend to approach me because I look kind or not dangerous in anyway (or that’s my theory :joy:). And I’m a people person, I like friends and people in general, so once I start talk to someone it’s often quite enjoyable and we start forming a friendship.


I might seem like a social creature on here, but I’m really shy and stupid in real life so I don’t have that many friends, and the ones I do have aren’t even true friends :yawning_face:

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I usually make friends through mutual friends or people who I see frequently around school :thinking:

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Pretty much. I can’t ever be the first to approach someone or keep a conversation :sweat_smile:

Uhhhh sort of. People at my school tend to form cliques so it’s hard to actually find friends you fit in with

For sure. Like I said I can’t keep a conversation and I’m not consistent

Talk about things you like about them or things you may notice you have in common . I met one of my closest friends by telling her I liked her outfit :+1:t4:


Hmm, I don’t try to make friends. I just kinda let it be and somehow I have friends :thinking:

yes. Maybe there’s something wrong with me :thinking: every year I have new friend groups with amazing people, but they end up breaking apart for whatever stupid reason. At this point, I’be resulted to trying to avoid friend groups. I miss them all and still have love and care for them, but it’s better that we’re off anyway. The only friend I have that’s been there for me and hasn’t left me yet is my friend Anthony. For now, I can only trust and depend on him

I don’t know. Usually I’d have advice for everything — but this time I don’t think I do :thinking: I’m still learning. I guess all I can say is just be yourself? Those who are meant to stay will stay


Kinda. I’m not the friendly type. I wait for people to approach me. When someone clicks with me, then I already consider them as a friend.

At school, not really. I had a lot of good friends in high school. My friends in high school became my friends because they’re either my classmate or we talked through our mutual friends.

Not really. I drift apart with some of them over time, but I still consider them as a friend once we had the chance to talk again. Me and my best friends are still great until now. We’ve been friends for over five years already.

My advice won’t work for everyone. But for me, the best way to make friends is to simply talk to people. Be yourself and see if you can connect with that person. Or if you’re shy, you can just approach them at first without talking to them right away. You can still get to know someone by listen to their stories.


btw, I’m autistic lol, which has a huge impact on my answers :]

Always have, and I suspect I always will. It’s incredibly hard to approach people, know what to say and how to act, without them automatically assuming there’s something wrong with me and losing interest. (I have difficulty with facial expressions and tic while nervous, so people usually cop onto something being ‘off’ right away)
On top of that I’m just awkward lmao

Very much so
It’s like trying to make friends in other things then multiply the difficulty by 253

Depends on whether they actually become my friend or not.
So far, I’ve had a total of two friendships fail. The first one cus she got sick of my autistic traits. The second on cus she moved away. These were both in primary school (8yrs old) and I didn’t get a ‘proper’ friend after that until i was 12(ish).

Unless your in a position where you don’t care about whether or not you have friends;
Lie. Put on a mask and keep it there. That’s the easiest way, and will remain the easiest way for a long time due to a number of factors.
However, of course those won’t be ‘real’ friendships. To make a real friendship you gotta do the old cliche saying of being yourself. Most people won’t like it. Many will despise you. Some might fetishise or try to use you. But some will love you, and those ones are the most precious ones.

Added a tag!


Yep, but mostly upperclassmen are boy crazy which I’m not. Basically that hard on me to make friends.

I lost three of my best friends because they call me fake back in high school but I never give them my friendship.

  1. (What advice would you give people about making friends in school?)

I would say be yourself and don’t let anyone bring you down. Also it good to learn signs language in case your new friends is deaf :deaf_woman:.


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