Manga and Anime Art

I wanted to start a discussion here about a couple of my favourite movement in art style history!

Anime and manga art is very special to me in a whole host of different ways. For one, I got my start in art and drawing just by copying my favourite characters from the anime Bleach when I was like 8 years old, lol. My story, Kito, suspiciously started forming in my mind around the same time as a matter of fact. Yes, it started out as a serious Bleach rip-off - and needless to say, Tite Kubo’s gorgeous art in the Bleach manga (which I also read around that age) was a huge inspiration for me personally!

So, what do we think of anime and manga art? Do we have any in particular that we can count as favourites?

Personally, my favourite mangaka are Tite Kubo, Eiichiro Oda, Hirohiko Araki and Hiromu Arakawa!

(Bleach, One Piece, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and Fullmetal Alchemist respectively!)

And my favourite anime art styles definitely go to My Hero Academia, Mob Psycho 100 and Attack on Titan, they’re all gorgeous!

So what do you guys think? :eyes:


Ahhh I love manga/anime art!
I’ve noticed a lot of the art teachers I’ve had don’t really like this style of art, but I still find it awesome >:D

And the anime, uh, movies? They’re also awesome!
I love the art in Princess mononoke! It’s such a good film as well >.>
Not gonna lie I didn’t really like the art style in Spirited Away ;-;
I thought it was too simple for my liking, but it just makes some of the scenes even more awesome :0
AhHHHH and there are so many animes with amazing art as well!


If anime didn’t exist…I would scream. I LOVE ANIME/MANGA!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



I personality love it… Like I just finished reading solo leveling (season one) and look at this art:

Solo Leveling - Home | Facebook

I love it man. Just wish there was more of it, I don’t read black and white manga (unless it’s hella good), because I’m waiting for a color/anime version.


Now, art, whether it’s chibi art, regular art, etc. I love the different art styles. I have a lot of fav anime movies, and shows that I love!!! Still checking out some other anime I have not watched as yet.


Anime art is definitely cool, but I got to say that it’s way easier to draw it than realism, which is ideal for comics because most webtoon artists need to post one to three chapters each week.


I’d say it’s less time-consuming personally. Having anime/manga art actually look good requires a lot of experience in realism anyway. If you know how proportions work, you can squash stretch them to get the look you’re going for, or the emotion you want to come across.
It takes way more practice to settle into a manga style and have it look good. To have it look like characters have weight, and mass, to have backgrounds look like they have depth. But when you have it down, the detailing takes less time than a realistic illustration.

The point still stands :smile:


I agree, you need to learn the anatomy before mastering it, but for manga there isn’t much shading and less steps are taken to be done. Personally, it doesn’t that much time to develop my own style, but I get what you mean?

That’s how some humans suffer less than others.


It’s true that a lot of manga art forgoes the shading, mostly due to the time constraints but a lot of mangaka like to go that extra mile and add some shading anyway. Usually to get a realistic lighting look they’ll do an ink wash, which isn’t easy.

Still less time-consuming than realistic art that’s for sure


Attack on Titan has some amazing art! I really should watch more of it.

As a stark contrast, I’m reminded of a lot of older anime on this thread which I think looked worse because of how they made the eyes too big and had much thicker line weights and less nice shading. The style is quite nostalgic for a lot of anime fans, but watching things like Sailor Moon just makes me appreciate how much further the art has come since then.

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God yes, Sailor Moon is gorgeous. Both the anime and manga. But if I can allow my bias to come out, the manga is actually like. Stunning. There are some panels that I think are genuinely beautiful works of art

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Moved to anime category + added art, anime, and manga tags! :sunglasses::call_me_hand:

I love Attack on Titan’s art style. :heart_eyes:

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I think some really unique art styles come from Panty and Stocking and Ping Pong the Animation. I really like Demon Slayer’s art as well. Junji Ito in general is also a win.

YESS! Although technically it’s a manhwa, the art in it is just chef’s kiss beautiful. I honestly can’t wait for another season. That brings the question if manhwas or webtoons are deemed as manga, although it’s technically not Japanese? :eyes:

Does anyone have any manhwa/webtoon artstyles they enjoy, and would you deem it as something that should be mentioned when talking about manga and anime? If not, just share more art styles you know of. :eyes: @AnimeNerds


I love how true beauty looks, even though it looks nothing like a normal manga :eyes:

Yeah indeed manhwa and manga aren’t the same. WEBTOON’s might have some Japanese manga, but manhwa (Korean) and manhua (Chinese) are not considered manga.

And for the second question, I find lots of webtoons have such amazing art. And manhwa/manhua that aren’t on webtoon. Such as Tomb Raider, Berserker, and Martial Peak; all have amazing and great art for my liking.

@AnimeNerds ~ what anime/manga do you think has the worst art?

I can’t think of anything with an art style I really dislike right now, although I’m just generally not a big fan of a lot of the older art styles because of how they’re stylized

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