March, Oreo's birth month!

It’s the 1st of March which means my birthday officially starts today and ends 31st March. My actual birthday is next week (the 8th) but someone as amazing as me needs a whole month to celebrate her birthday and not just a day. I’ll be turning 21 (ayyyyy :fire::fire::fire:).

Fun fact about Oreo:
When I was born my mum looked into my eyes and told me that I was her greatest gift and that I was and would continue to be far greater than her children before me (my older brothers) and will be greater than the ones that come after me ( my sister and my brother). She said it in my language of course since that how she communicates with me. She actually said all of this so you don’t need to question it, thanks!

Anyway here’s a picture of me when I was 18 and was officially classified as a legal adult:


You may start wishing me a happy birthday from now and I’ll only accept cash as a gift. If your birthday is also in March, we’ll be sharing a day but I refuse to share my actual day with anyone else!
Thanks in advance for the wishes :heartbeat::kissing_heart:


Happy birthday :partying_face:

Here’s a gift

:moneybag: :yen:

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Yay, let’s share a day!

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Thank you!! :heartpulse:
So if you could somehow transfer that into real cash, I’d appreciate it :wink:

Your birthday is 6th March, right?


That’s Ghana’s Independence Day, mine is the 3rd

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Oh okay. Yeah we’ll be sharing a day! :tada::confetti_ball: happy birthday in advance!

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Whoop whoop! Thanks :partying_face::yellow_heart::chocolate_bar:

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Happy birthday :smiley_cat::green_heart::eyes::sparkles::tada:

:blush: Thank you!! :heartpulse:

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Lmfao!! I wish I had a birthday month. If I brought up the idea of a birthday month around my mom, she’d laugh in my face and tell me to go clean my room. :skull:

Happy Early Birthday!! You look beautiful in your picture :clap:t3::clap:t3:


:joy::joy: my mum doesn’t even know I do this.
Thank you!! :heartpulse: I think my beard really brings out the colour of my eyes and my smile really lifts up my wig more.

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Lol! Don’t tell her :joy:

And ikr! Your wig is really on fleek tho. Like that color is EVERYTHING :ok_hand:t3:


Happy Birthday! :joy::partying_face::tada::cloud:

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Thank you! :blush::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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Lolllll I can relate. :joy:

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Happy birthday month!! :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: :gem: :tada:

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Thank you!! :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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Happy birthday month!

I’ll be sharing your birthday month, because my birthday is on the very last day of the month. March 31st!

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