Marvel/DC: Legends Assembled Official Rp


“Sector 2814…Earth. Its heroes have bested each of us, separately. Which is why I have summoned you all here to this universe. A shared universe, one where we can finally destroy them all in one place, together. You all know your roles, You…you’re up first.”

Bethany Batson

She was the first to arrive at Stark Academy, She always liked being the first one at a new place. So many new friends to make, she could’ve flown here as Lieutenant Marvel, but she didn’t want people to like her because of her because of her powers. She wanted them to like her for her. She jumped out of the cab, grabbed her bags, paid the man, and walked in to set them down in her new dorm only to come back outside ready to greet people.

Hunter Queen

Hunter stepped off his motorbike and took off his helmet. He was pretty muscled and scarred for a 16 year old, but then again not many 16 year olds were faced with death through brutal training with the likes of Natas and the League of Assassins. He was wearing a forest green short sleeve t-shirt with one of his mother’s black leather jackets and a pair of dark blue jeans with black combat boots. Stark Academy, not bad. He thought as he looked up at the massive buildings. Hunter’s phone-connected earpiece beeped once. Incoming call from Mom, she worries way too much. I can take care of myself. He tapped his earpiece. “Hi, Mom.” He answered. “Hunter, sweetheart, I was just calling to check on you and make sure you have everything.” She replied casually. Sounds of fighting in background “You sound a little busy, I should let you get back to whatever it is you’re doing.” “Nice try, kiddo. Do you have your bow?” She asked in response. “Yes, of course.” He said matter-of-factly. “Good, now, do you have: your retractable bow, quivers, diamond tips, explosive tips, your suit, and all your school supplies?” She asked clearly worried. “And dad’s boxing glove arrow, my throwing knives, my hunting knife, I remember all my survival skills from Dad, and my clothes…Yes, Mom, I have everything.” He said as he checked his duffel bags and backpack. She laughed, “Sounds like your dad and I taught you well, I have to go now we will talk later. I love you and play nice with the other kids…I mean it, no shooting people with arrows. Barry still hasn’t gotten over the time your father shot him with a few.” Hunter smirked and rolled his eyes. “No promises, and I love you too.” He pressed the earpiece and hung up the phone, he repacked, grabbed his duffel bags, and backpack. He started to walk inside. He saw people with all sorts of powers arriving. Some flew, others ran so fast one blink and they were here, a few teleported, and a number arrived in vehicles of all kinds, jets, trucks, limousines, and cars.

Cal Kent

Jonathan pulled into the parking lot and looked at his son, a hint of worry briefly flashed across his face before looking at his son again. “You ready, kid?” He asked affectionately. Kara, Conner, Jon, and Clark all looked at him with smiles. He was hugged by Martha, Jonathan, Kara, and Clark, and got a few hair ruffles from Jon and Conner.

Cal smiled and nodded as he picked up his red backpack and slung it over his shoulder. He loved it when his dad called him “kid”, it sounded more like a mentor of a hero from comics, than a parent. He had on a red shirt with a jean jacket and a pair of jeans. Some people say he looked too much like his siblings, He never noticed but if one looked carefully enough, they would see the more than just “sibling similarities”. He had: Kara’s eyes, Conner’s hair, Clark’s height and chiseled features (includes pecs and 6-pack), and Jon’s youthful looks. He opened the door and stepped out of the car. “I’ll see you guys soon, I love you.” They all waved when he looked back. He smiled in return and held up a hand as they drove off. After his parents and siblings left, he pushed his glasses up his nose and walked inside.

The place was beautiful or perfect. He walked through the halls passing the kids. He folded up the map of the school and pushed his glasses up his nose again. I wish I didn’t need these! They’re so frustrating. He walked to the dorms. “Hello? Is anybody here? I’m supposed to be going to orientation…” He said again. He was about to leave and call his father when he saw a light through an open door, down the hall. He approached and gently knocked on the door.


All characters are Approachable



Ruby Johnson

Like most students, she arrived in a taxi. She paid the driver and grabbed her duffel bag from the trunk. Her whole life was in it. Always travel with one bag her mother said. you never know when you have to be on the run. Ruby looked up at the gates. “Why would Tony Stark want me to be here?” She said allowed before walking into the gates. She noticed a keypad that she could easily hack in case she had to make a run for it. Ruby looked at the crowd of students ahead.

Donna Cadenza
Donna took long to get ready that morning. She was practicing singing as she brushed her hair and the glass shattered…so she had to clean that up. Well just pick up the peices and put it in a plastic bag. She wished she could stay to watch the maid’s reaction to the sharp present. Anyway, Donna got ready as quickly as she could. Her outfit was her fun, quircky outfit with glittery pants , gold boots , a leather jacket , and her regular dress . She quickly did her makeup then hopped into the limo.

When she arrived, Donna ordered her driver to move her bags to the dorm while she looked around for her first victims. She finds a kind of so cute boy who was definetly in her sister’s like range and walks up to him.

“Hey handsome, how you doing?” She says softly to the blond boy in front of her.



:eagle: Ella Barton :eagle:

Ella nervously exited the taxi she had arrived in, replaying the events of the morning her head. She had woken up earlier than usual, taking a shower, brushing out her hair, even applying a minimal amount of makeup, all in an effort to calm her nerves. It had worked- barely. Her father noticed her change in attitude. “Ella, it’s a superhero academy, not the prom,” he had said. “You’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, yeah, it’s still high school,” she had replied, taking a serving of eggs her mom had placed on the counter.

Her mother had piped in with, “Don’t listen to your father, sweetheart, you look beautiful.”

“Hey, I never said she didn’t look amazing!” Clint had retorted as her little brother, Will, entered the kitchen, pouring himself a bowl of sugary cereal.

“You can go die in the Academy of Doom or whatever, I’m going to a normal highschool,” he had stated, placing his bowl in front of the seat opposite from her.

“You’re just jealous that I got more training than you,” she had said, smirking.

“Am not!” The bickering had gone on for a bit until their father had told them it was time for Ella to go. She smiled at the rather recent memory, a part of her wishing she was back at home instead of at the unfamiliar academy. Big and modern, it was much more imposing than her last school in her small hometown.

She took a deep breath, hoping that maybe she could find a place to practice her archery, or maybe a gym. Clint had only recently started training her with her new bow, a birthday gift. Like his, it was collapsible, and could fold out into a staff she could wield- which she still needed a lot of practise with.

She walked as she thought, before hearing the whirring of a motorbike. She snapped out of her thoughts, only to bump into a boy wearing a leather jacket who didn’t seem much older than her. She looked him over. Great, so we have the typical bad boy already.

She considered just walking off, but she had already lingered too long- if she left now, he would think she was weird. But what do I care what he thinks?

She shook her head slightly and looked up at him. “Hi. I’m Ella.” Nobody cares, Ella… “Do you, um… do you know where the archery range is?” She asked with a smile- big enough to be genuine, but small enough not to seem strange.

@Newguy - Hunter


Angelina Prince

Angelina took a deep breath and cast one last look over her shoulder at what had been her home for the last 16 years. She waved to those standing just down the hill, and stepped forwards into the portal.

There was a bright flash of light and she felt herself start spinning, and before she knew it, Angel had fallen dizzily onto some soft grass, her eyes taking a moment to adjust to the new surroundings. She rolled and came up in a crouch, standing up nervously. No doubt people had seen her arrival…



Hunter Queen

Hunter looked at both women and for a second both of them could see he had been through a lot of pain and death. He gently brushed past the two of them and made his way to the dorms.

Bethany Batson

She watched the new students arrive and smiled as she introduced herself. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed two very beautiful women eyeing a guy. She approached them from behind and pointed. “That strong but silent type, is Hunter Queen, Star City’s most eligible bachelor back from Lian Yu. The rumors are that 25% of his body is scar tissue. Stabs, cuts, burns, anything that could leave a mark, he’s got it. A tortured young boy. It says something that he survived. After all his father was much older than him when he went through it. Don’t let the looks fool you though, he may be young, but he can take care of himself.” She smiled and turned to face them. “But enough about brooding over there, What are your names? She asked as she held out her hand.



:zap:Brooklyn West-Allen:zap:

Her dreams were nothing special, they were the same everytime. They would be her dreaming about her father, atleast getting to hug him before he died. But all of them ended the same way, him dying in her arms. She knew that those dreams weren’t real, but she couldn’t stop thinking that they were, like if she was the reason why he died. It never made sense to her, and every time she would cry with him in her arms, she would wake up.

She woke up and tear fell from her left eye, although she was always sad, Nora was there to comfort her, despite her hatred for their mother. She hugged Nora tight and stayed in her embrace before Iris came in. “Time for school, Bro-“ Before she could finish her sentence she noticed that Brooklyn had the same nightmare. “It’s okay mom, it’s just a dream right?” Brooklyn looked up at her and smiled.

She went into the shower, cleansing her thoughts, her sadness, and her mood. Sometimes she would just jump in the shower just to clear her mind. And nevertheless it would always work, she truly believed that water was her way out of life. She put on a blue jumpsuit, and paired it with star earrings. She ran out of her bathroom and into the kitchen only being able to eat a few pieces of pancakes and a spoonful of eggs. Since her ride was outside, she gave Nora and Iris a hug before running outside and into her transportation.

She fell asleep in the car, but except this time she remembered her chip was off, and this dream was different. It was dream of her and her family, together, and reunited. She immediately woke up to the bumpy roads towards the school and looked at the surroundings. Beautiful… She got out of the car and on to the campus. Goodbye home… She looked at everyone there and closed her eyes for a few minutes, maybe if she imagined it was like home, maybe she would get used to it. She approached a girl and smiled. “Hi…”



:eagle: Ella Barton :eagle:

Ella turned as another girl approached the pair and started flirting with the boy. Ella attempted to hide her scowl, but wasn’t very successful. She does know this is Stark Academy and not Love High, right? She looked back at the boy, who was silent as he brushed past them. Ella’s stomach flipped slightly as the material of his jacket touched the bare skin of her arm, which she instantly berated herself for. Don’t tell me you’re falling for the bad boy on the first day? How cliche can you get?

Ella shook her head, starting to walk away, when yet another girl came over and started rattling off facts about the boy. “What, you know him?” She asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice left over from the previous interaction. “It seems like you like him enough, what with knowing his entire life story.” Ella wasn’t trying to be rude, but the girl did seem a bit weird. But being the daughter of Hawkeye, Ella’s whole life was weird.

She shook the girl’s hand. “Ella Barton. What about you?” She looked at the other girl, with the rather… dramatic fashion sense. “Mr. Emo is free now, if you want to chase after your bad boy bachelor.”

@Newguy - Bethany, Hunter
@Bexs - Donna


Angelina Prince

Angel turned around, hearing a quiet but nice sounding voice behind her. “Hey,” she said awkwardly, subconsciously biting her bottom lip.

Angel was wearing a white tee that she has tied the bottom of, Jean shorts and her metal bracelets.

She looked up at the girl and studied her, dark hair and a nice golden skin colour that reminded Angel of the glow a sunset cast just before sinking over the horizon. She took a dee breath and met the other girls eyes. “I’m angel,” she eventually said after a long pause.



Natalie Romanoff
Natalie pulled up on her motorbike next to a green one. She got off and pulled her helmet off, shaking her red curly hair out of the way. She put her helmet under her arm and grabbed her backpack, hoisting it over a shoulder. Natalie walked past the gate to find Ella and some emo girl talking.

“Hey El! Whatcha doin’ with this weirdo?” She said in her texan accent. “Is she botherin’ ya? I’ve been itchin’ to use my sticks as of late.”

@Newguy @phnx


Artemis Queen
Artemis pulled up on her red motorcyle, parking on the other side of the green one. She looked up at the giant A on the building. So this will be my new home. She looked at her phone, 3 missed calls from mom. She had barely spoken to her since she got back from ‘boarding school’. She blinked away some tears and quickly walked past the people Hunter had just been with, and catching up with Hunter.



:zap:Brooklyn West-Allen:zap:

Her smile grew bigger as she saw the girl turn around, her nervousness went away. “I’m…Brooklyn, Brooklyn West-Allen.” She said with slight pride, the Allen part of her name remembered her of her legacy, her father…it always made her feel better.

The girls outfit was nice and on top of that, she was friendly. It definitely removed her expectations of mean, snobby, and stuck-up people. Once the girl looked Brooklyn into her eyes, she looked away, she always avoided eye-contact only because it was her one weakness for when she was lying. “Angel, it’s a nice name. Who’s…your parent?” She asked with a warm smile.



:crossed_swords:Fallen Angel:crossed_swords:

Slade sent me here, and when I escape I will kill him. It had a funny irony to it; the only person who could probably kill Slade Wilson was his even crazier son. Flipping the tables in the whole ‘I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it too.’ Kai smiled to himself as he thought quietly.

He scanned the school halls in hopes of someone or something he could take his new found anger out on. Lucky for him, he found what he was looking for. Unlucky for them? It was a person. Kai had seen them get out of a taxi but couldn’t see if it was a boy or girl.

Kai slowly approached them, his anger for his parents bubbling over, as he did so. When they came into sight he realized that his target had been a girl. Great. She’ll be all emotional and cry. He rolled his eyes, still sticking with his original plan. As he looked her up and down his gaze softened.

Her stunning piercings caught his eyes first. Then it was her snuggish white dress covered in buttons from head to toe. More like head to thighs in this dress though. He played with the piercing on his lower lip as her white boots caught his more evil side. He had the urge to step on them but resisted.

Suddenly a new idea came to mind. Why simply be mean to her when Kai could have prolonged his use of her. Plus she was a beauty to keep around. He crossed his arms and did his infamous smirk.

“Your name?” He asked, it could’ve been to mess with her head to make he had been standing there a long time but it wasn’t. He was just trying to skip the always awkward hello’s and move onto the part that interested him. Her name.



Hunter Queen

Hunter’s brisk walk turned into a little jog, which then broke into a sprint. Thanks, to his training and physique, he was fast enough to keep up with a motorcycle…or get away from someone tailing him. He turned a sharp corner and dropped a smoke pellet. When whoever arrived, all they would see is a wall of smoke…and vanishing act.



Artemis Queen
At first Artemis caught up with Hunter, until he dropped the pellet. She wiped away some tears from her eyes. She remembered her mother telling Hunter to not abandon her…but she was. She screamed Hunter’s name Before storming off, feeling alone and abandoned in the school yard.


:crossed_swords:Katarina Cain:crossed_swords:

After hearing her mother on the phone with her adoptive grandfather, she was almost sure where she was about to go. Sometimes she hated that her mother was Batgirl, but she loved her mother. Though, that image or prophecy she was supposed to go through by living in her mother’s shadow was crushed. The only reason why she probably was even accepted was because they think they could turn her good.

She was packing all of her clothes, until she came across her Kasumi costume, she closed her door and pushed in quickly before her mother could notice. She waved bye to her mother and went inside to the car onto this mystery school, full of people who might be her enemy or her friend. Looking outside of the window was fun, seeing all of the places past by, to her it was satisfying.

And there she was, at the school of her nightmare, with a slight smile she walked in and saw somebody standing there. She knew this school was full of different superheroes and villains, but she didn’t expect it to be this full. She started walking towards the boy and took her hair out of the bun, letting it flow around her chest. “So…this school seems fun?”

@Newguy - Cal


:herb:Parker Isley:herb:

He woke up late and sighed, he hit his alarm and went back to sleep. He was woken up by his mom, and went to change. Another year of hell. He went over to his bathroom and washed his face, he looked in the mirror and ruffled up his hair a bit. He changed into a simple outfit before he left he made sure to water his, and his mother’s plants. He got into the car and waved his mother bye, he sighed and looked at his surroundings. He desperately wanted to stay home, but like all the times he’s tried to tell his mother all she says is “Knowledge is the power of exceeding.” every time he thought about that, it just made him dislike this school more. When he got there, he tipped his driver and looked at the school. He went inside and found the cafeteria, he sat there and saw girls approaching each other. One with hoops while the other approaching her, and he wasn’t interested in talking to them. He saw a girl, maybe twins? But the other twin ran off. He saw a random girl, he was desperate to get to know this mystery girl and with that he approached her. “Parker…Parker Isley.”

@Bexs - Ruby


Ruby Johnson
Ruby was surprised that someone was talking to her. She looked around to make sure he wasn’t talking to anyone else. “Are you…talking to me?” I just want to get back to figuring out how I can hack Stark Tech

@euphoriaa Parker


Hunter Queen

He walked to his dorm smirking at Artemis. She was good…he was better. He made it and put his stuff down on the bed. His seeing Artemis again inflamed a scar on his back. He winced and let out an audible groan of pain before flashing back to that day.

He and Artemis were fighting Chinese drug traffickers who were imprisoned on the island so they could be someone’s problem. One minute he was fighting with his cousin by his side, the next she disappeared and he was stabbed in the back…by her. It wasn’t until later after she collapsed and he took them down that he saw the needle in her arm. They injected her with a drug that changed her and nearly killed him. When she came to, he knocked her out again in the right place of her skull to induce memory loss. Knowing what she did would crush her. He never spoke to her about that night again. He never really did trust her after that.



Cal Kent

Cal turned to regard the girl and everything seemed to move slower as she let her hair down, she was a really pretty girl. He smiled softly, “I don’t know, Smallville can be…interesting.” He laughed and held out his hand. “Cal, Cal Kent. What’s your name?”



:sparkles:Janae Pierce:sparkles:

Janae was fairly happy that she got to go back to Stark Academy, mostly because she was surrounded by her two sisters. Jennifer was on the couch, slumping. While Anissa was as usual, trying to fix her suit. She got changed into yellow shirt and blue jeans she grabbed her phone and ordered her an uber, she didn’t want to ask her father mostly because he was busy. She hugged Jennifer, and Anissa before going to her father. Since he had always been there for her she felt like she needed to give him some space for his own things, she hugged him and waved him bye before getting into the car. This would be her second year at this school, although she never made any friends she was mostly focused on her work or just staring off to space. She would always daydream about what could happen with her powers, maybe she’ll loose them or will they become more powerful? She hadn’t noticed that through that time that she was daydreaming she had already made it to the school. She waved off her driver and got out, she took a good look at the school before entering. She saw a girl, something about her caught her eye. She went to approach her and smiled. “Janae Pierce, and you are?” She said while holding out her hand.

@Newguy - Bethany