Buy snacks, go to concerts and get front row seats and VIP package, and give some to my masjid so we can build a new one!
New phone, tab and pc, car… Not old enough to drive but, oh well, my dad will drive it, build da raddest house with literally everything in it: walk in closet, gym, bar, indoor and outdoor pool… I better stop. Cool clothes, airpods, travel the world, go to concerts…
Everything left goes to my mom to save it. Although I don’t think there will be anything left lol
Oh, wait, a new phone would be good
We should use this money and buy a hYPe HoUSE for the forums.
That gives me an idea
SWAY house. Sway boys are so hawt!!!
And throw a huge party
But that’d prolly be in the US or England so… Not possible, at least for me…
I’m making a virtual neighbourhood thread for our forum, give me a minute.
Like in LG where you can choose your house, bedroom and stuff?
Ohhhh! I’m in!
What’s that???
Wow yes
BoDy SeEmS uNcLeAr, Is It A cOmPlEtE sEnTeNcE???
Haha, yes.
LG is an RP
Isi created a slideshow where we can add house for our charactersss
Can you link please?
I haven’t created the forum one yet, it may take awhile since I’m planning something else for the lounge.
Oh well, whatever you do, please let me know.
you onto something
Pay off my student debt in one big payment. Then get my macbook fixed. Pay off my car. Now, I’m going blank on what else to put down.