Misrepresentation in Health/Science

So I haven’t heard of anything huge about this, but I thought that it would be a good topic. I thought of this when my friend showed me her science book and it said that a girl’s period lasts from 1-4 days. 1-4 DAYS! What’s your opinion on that and in general misrepresentation in science and health, or just old science textbooks?


wow clerly a man did write that. I once heard about a man who btw was married and had two daughters. thought that periods did not exist and it was something woman had made up to get out of work.

but there is a lot of stupid stuff out their. especially around woman.

Also shall I mention the doctor who claim vaccine cause autism and now people have gone crazy and refuse to vaccinate their kids despite it been proven over and over that it in fact does not cause autism.


They aren’t entirely wrong. Periods differ for women. Some last long and some don’t. But yeah, 4 days isn’t the max.


I’d say that a period last for 3-7 days (depends on the women). Some bodies are different like some women can get their periods for 10 days.


Yeah, I mean like @PensiveShadow said it isn’t completely wrong, but that book should really say what the facts are and that periods can be different for each woman.


I guess the textbook is written by a man since men are pretty ignorant about periods.

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I remember when I read in my biology textbook about a syndrome I have, and like everything that was written down was basically incorrect and idk, it did hurt me…

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I dont think their exist a single woman on this planet who has one day periods

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Mine only lasts for a day and a half!


What? Really? Is it because of birth control?

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Nope! When I was on birth control, it stopped completely. Usually on birth control, it will stop, it will become irregular or patchy or it will be a full week. Especially if you’re on the combined pill, you have a whole week period scheduled

I just naturally have a period that lasts between 1 day and 2 — but one to two days of severe pain nonstop :grimacing:


Wow that’s pretty rare!

Birth control can stop your period for a year. No joke! I ain’t had a period for almost a year! :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

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that is not healthy.

Maybe it’s not the birth control that stopped my period for almost a year. It’s bulimia that’s doing this to me!

oh okay. sorry you have to struggle with that.

It’s not really a problem. A lot of people think this because they treat periods like it’s your body resetting itself — but your body doesn’t need the reset if the egg isn’t produced in the first place, which is what a lot of birth control does — just simply stop you from ovulating so you don’t need a period


I dunno! I didn’t get a period when I was on the pill either!

Theoretically, you’re saving your body eggs :joy: because you have a finite number and you were born with all of your eggs

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I meant the matchstick one. It closes up that womb when you first get it and then you bleed for 10 days.

But yes, bulimia made it worse. Not helping that my mum interrogated me about my periods :confused:

I cant take birth control. they makes me very sick.