Monster High and Ever After High thread!

We can revive it
Omg monster high the Frankenstein rp
Make it happen 2021

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Same but i was too nervy

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Let’s do itttttt

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But how

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Once Just Another School for the Gifted gets started and into a good place, we can talk about it?
@raviola (and @Littlefeets too if you want)


It’ll start in about 3 weeks


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Yeah I’d like to join in planning. I had been hoping to bring my RP back sometime anyway, so I would definitely like to be part of talking about this.



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Omg I loved those 2 :heart: I really loved draculaura (Monster high) and Raven (EAH)


My favorites were Clawdeen from MH and Cedar from EAH


I watched them both. Great shows.

I don’t have favorites.


I don’t remember.

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I can’t believe I missed this lol

I agree but to a certain extent. They both were self for different reasons behind it but their initial intentions for it were the same: both wanted to get what they hoped for.

Raven wanted freedom, people to choose their stories and happily ever after regardless of their background (Royal or Rebel). Though she had been very impulsive when it came to decisions and she wasn’t a very great leader of the “rebellion” she created. She could be pretty insensitive to others opinions about disagreeing with her reasoning for her act and was as stubborn as Apple as well but Apple I would say was worse when it came to this.

Apple was manipulated by Milton Grimm into believing that following your destiny would keep everyone safe and didn’t want anyone to disappear because of it. This is why she wanted everyone to follow what they were destined to do and sign the book. However, like I stated, just like Raven, she was very insensitive to other people disagreeing with her on the matter and stubborn for her own ways but worse. Theres many instances in the show where she disapproved on her friends wishes to make their own way of their story and wasn’t a subject to change around her. Although she did grow to understand ones actions and accept it, her continously acting out this behavior numerous of times to the point where she released the Evil Queen from her prison just to get her Happily Ever After doesn’t help her case.

Both still equally risked it all to get what they wanted but what do you consider to be better? It all depends on your morality. Raven risked not signing the Story Book of Legends and possibly disappearing everyone and herself just to be free. Apple let out the Evil Queen to make her mother proud and fulfill the expectations that was set for her all this time. Both grew to be more understanding got each other but Apple in my opinion has consistently made mistake after mistake and learning the same lesson to accept the fact that people WANT to rewrite their path.

As you can tell, I’m not particularly a fan of Apple lol but now that I’m older, I understand her more and she is misunderstood. But she does deserve the anger from fans she gets. Both are selfish, yes, but with different reasons and one being more justified and understanding than the other. The whole “following your path” system was unjust from the start and lacked redemption and empathy for ones who didn’t end up having a happy life. They even showed this in the first book with how because of the Evil Queens destiny, she couldn’t have loved, even to her husband and daughter. That’s dark. In my opinion, its what you prefer. Would you rather live a life continuing in an unjust system that disadvantages others who aren’t destined for a great life or take the risk of losing your life and possibly die with freedom by not continuing in the bondage of a book to dictate your life?


Sorry if this is so long but I need to get this out of my chest. :sob:

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I never liked Apple that much either, but I have also grown to understand that she’s not that bad. As a kid I easily agreed with Raven, but now as I realize that she was willing to let people die to get her way, and so was Apple. I guess it just depends on whether you value the individual or the group more. Now I don’t really agree with either of them, but in the context of the universe, I think that Apple is in the right. Less people die, and following your destiny doesn’t automatically make you good or evil. Just look at the Big Bad Wolf or the Candy Witch.

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Agreed but it still at the end of a day an unjust system that does come with a lot of disadvantages for ones who aren’t in power or destined to have happily ever after. Yeah the Big Bad Wolf isn’t evil but because of this system, he has to hide his two children and not talk to them in public out of fear of society’s hate against their family for marrying and having children with Little Red Riding Hood.

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I’d also like the add that even if you aren’t evil and a Rebel or a Royal but evil, society will still only see you for what you’re destined to be. Raven is a good example of this. No matter what, shes always been seen as evil, even with all the good deeds she does or tries to do.

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Hey guys…

Anybody interested?