Most asked and repetitive questions?

Okay, so I think the most used questions I definitely use are “What’s up?” and “How are you doing?” as many can confirm. Usually, these questions get repetitive because I’ve run out of things to talk about or I’m super tired. I know there are countless questions that are asked too much though. It also shows you at what point of a relationship you are in with the person you are talking to.

What are some of the most asked and repetitive questions? Do they irritate you when they are asked? Are you good with them being asked?



“How are you?” “How’s the weather?” “What are you doing?” “What should we talk about?”

Sometimes. It also depends on my mood.


My favourites /s include:

  • Idk, what would you like to do? (idk, that’s why I asked you)
  • How are you? (no one in the history of humanity will ever tell you the truth, unless they feel you actually care, which is rare)
  • What’s up? (Many things, many things.)

The first one does, because I am horrible at making decisions so things like “you choose” and “I don’t mind” end up being really stressful because in my past experiences they’ve always minded lmao
Otherwise, I don’t really mind. They’re good conversation starters as any and it saves me having to come up with them, even if they are repetitive

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Yeah I know what you mean!

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“How are you?” - That’s the most asked, no?

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