Most common mistakes authors make when publishing on Wattpad

Wattpad is a really popular platform for writing and there are so many writers on there, but not many of them really get famous for their works. I sometimes thought about posting my story on Wattpad, but the amount of authors kind of scares me away and I feel like I’d make a lot of mistakes in the beginning :sweat_smile:

What do you think are some of the most common mistakes authors make when publishing a story on Wattpad?
How could you avoid them? Any tips?
And did you make those mistakes? :eyes:

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ummm ples tag @Writers?


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you could have finished stories if you finished it before you published it on Wattpad :full_moon_with_face:


Idk if it’s wrong to do this but since I’m anonymous and stuff on the internet I just try to post whatever I want. While making it the best I can of course. I want to do it for fun. Even if my story sucks lol. Then I learn and grow. But I only plan to publish stuff on Wattpad that I actually finish.

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One thing I’ve noticed on Wattpad is stories with very poor writing skills ie. grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs, capitalization. Make it readable if you want people to finish reading it. I’ve stopped reading stories that had a great premise because of the horrendous presentation.

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